Austin: And I love you. As much as I want to talk to you, you should get some rest. I know you have to be tired.

Paige: You have no idea.

Austin: Get some rest, babe.

Paige: I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

He gives a quick reply and I set the phone down. I think I’m tired, but I’m going to be even more exhausted in the morning because I’m usually in bed by now. Oh well, that’s what coffee is for. Just as I’m about to close my eyes, Darla pops up on the side of my bed, nearly scaring the crap out of me.

“Darla, what’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Hold me, Mommy,” she softly cries. Her eyes are wet. She’s been crying again.

I grab her and lift her up onto the bed. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. My mom has and will always be my rock; now it’s time for me to be Darla’s.

Chapter 36


I slept like crap last night knowing the pain Paige and Darla are going through. I tossed and turned, wondering how they were doing. I know they were most likely asleep but I couldn’t help but think about them. I want to be there for them in every way I can. Ruston isn’t home this morning. I’m wondering why until I look at the clock on the wall and realize I’m late at the gym. No wonder he isn’t here. Shit. I run to my room and grab my phone. There’s a missed call from Howard and a text from Lance. I decide I ought to call Howard instead of replying to Lance.

The phone only rings once before he answers. “Hello?”

“Howard, I just saw you called.”

“Yeah man, we’re worried about you. You’re never late. Everything okay?”

I seriously was waiting for him to rip into me for not being there on time. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I overslept. I talked to Paige a little late last night checking on her,” I tell him honestly.

“How is she doing?”

“Still very shocked. I know her little girl is having a hard time with it all. I’m on my way out of the door, though. I’ll be there shortly,” I tell him.

“Be careful. We’ll see you when you get here,” he tells me.

I’m always careful, well, ever since my accident I’ve been very careful. I know all too well how quickly things can change.

I grab my keys and wallet after putting my tennis shoes on and I run out of the door. I don’t even bother messing with the radio as I drive straight to Lou’s. My stomach is growling and I know I should probably stop and get something to eat, but I don’t. I don’t stop the car until I’m parked in my usual parking spot. Food will just have to wait for right now.

I wanted to text Paige this morning but in all my lateness, I didn’t have a chance. Before I get out of the car and walk inside, I send her a quick good morning text letting her know I’m thinking about her this morning.

“Sleeping Beauty has arrived!” Lance proclaims with his hands in the air. He and Garrett are standing on the mats in sparring position. Well, they were standing, but then Garrett just swept Lance off of his feet, and not in the fairytale way. I can’t help but laugh, and boy did I need that laugh.

“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry guys,” I apologize. I don’t like being late for anything.

“It’s okay, shit happens. We all understand,” Howard chimes in. “Let’s get to work. You have a fight coming up.”

I notice the grin on his face and get an extra boost of confidence. Fight night is coming. If that doesn’t get me pumped, I don’t know what will. “I’m a little tired, but that should keep me on my toes. Let’s get started,” I tell him as I put my glove on.

Garrett offers to spar with me and I take him up on it. I like the challenge he brings. Hell, I like the challenge they all bring. As I warm up, my stomach continues to growl. Lance just happens to walk by and bursts out laughing. “Dude, was that your stomach or did you fart?”

“Shut the fuck up, man.” I glare back at him. “That was my stomach.”

“I have a bag of chips in my locker if you want them,” he offers.

“No thanks.”

“Just saying.” He walks over to the punching bag.