Page 5 of Hooked (TKO 2)

“You don’t know what you’re talking about Lance.”

“Yeah, okay. Tell yourself that.”

Garrett actually blushes. Holy fuck, he’s worse off than I thought he was. “Look, I’m not saying anything. You’re going to laugh at me.”

“Oh boy, I can see I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of this. Tell me. We’re best friends, dude.”

He rolls his eyes and makes eye contact with me. “I love her so damn much, Lance. Seeing her holding Randi Lynn, it does something to me. It makes me feel like a damn pussy, but I can’t help thinking about what it would be like to see her maybe holding our child.”

My eyes widen. Hearing Garrett talk like this makes Hilary pop into my mind for some reason. Dammit. “Shit man, that’s deep. I get to be the godfather, right?”

“She’s not pregnant, Lance.” He glares at me.

“I know that. I was just securing my place.”

“Do you really think it would be anyone else?”


Howard clears his throat from across the room and Garrett steps up to clench the punching bag while I begin to wail away on it. Punching the hell out of this bag is therapeutic for me. Each time my fist connects with the bag, a thousand pounds of pressure discharges from me.

Sweat begins to bead along my hairline and I finally quit long enough to be able to catch my breath. Garrett removes the gloves from his hands and walks over to Raegan who is still holding his niece. Covered in sweat, he reaches out to grab Randi Lynn from Raegan’s arms and gives Raegan a soft kiss on the lips. Gag me.

Howard walks over to me and clasps my shoulder. “How are you doing, man?”

“Things are decent…considering. Takes some getting used to, but I’ll make it.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Whenever you feel ready to fight again, let me know and I’ll tell Blaize to get you on the docket.”

“I’m ready,” I tell him without hesitation.

“You sure?”

“I’m positive, Howard. I’m ready. I need this.” I need to fight like I need to breathe. I’ve missed it too damn much.

“Then I’ll set it up. You need to spar. Leave the punching bag alone. I need you at the top of your game in that ring. You know that.”

“Gotcha. Who do you want me to spar with?”

“Pick whoever you want, doesn’t matter to me. Just get yourself back into the hang of things. And don’t forget…if you need anything, just ask.”

“Thanks man, that means a lot to me.”

Garrett is so wrapped up in Randi Lynn, I don’t want to bother him. Raegan always comes dressed like she still fights, so I eyeball her. When her gaze meets mine, I wave her over. “I need a sparring partner. Tag, you’re it.”

“You sure you can handle this?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

“You play dirty, Raegan.”

“You know it. Let me grab some gloves.”

She walks off to grab an old pair of her gloves that she keeps lying around. I remember when she couldn’t even get a pair on and now she’s a damn pro. She saunters back toward me and puts her hands in position. I throw the first swing and she blocks it before retaliating. Yep, I knew she missed this shit. She’s sparring like she’s never quit.

Her attempt to swing at me is blocked when I catch her off guard and kick her legs from under her. She lands on the mat with a thud and laughs. “Damn, Lance. I miss this.”

“I can tell. Do you ever think about fighting again?”

“I can’t lie, I do think about it. But I think it’s for the best that I leave that behind me.”