Page 50 of Hooked (TKO 2)

“Dinner is served,” I announce, placing the pizza on the bed between us. I grab the remote for the television and turn it on. Reruns of The Walking Dead are playing, so we snuggle up with our box of pizza and watch zombies roam the city of Atlanta.

The smell of the pizza makes my stomach growl, but I offer her the first piece. We sit there and eat until there’s nothing left. I didn’t realize just how hungry we were. Two episodes into The Walking Dead, I hear light, steady breathing. I look over to discover Hilary is sleeping. I chuckle, then kiss her gently, before grabbing the covers and tugging them over us both. I’m not sleepy yet, so I keep watching the show.

I wrap my arm around her and close my eyes. Her breathing remains even, and she snores a little. I listen to her until I finally succumb to my dreams, and she’s in every single one of them.

Morning comes and I open my eyes. Hilary gives me a lazy grin and leans in to kiss me. “What do you want to do today?” she asks.

“Well, anything and everything with you, of course. I was thinking I could introduce you to my dad.”

“That sounds good to me.” She yawns as she sits up. “Let me get ready, and we can go whenever you’re ready.”

“What kind of go are you talking about?” I joke, raising my eyebrow.

“To your dad’s house, silly.”

I clench my heart, pretending to be hurt, when I’m really anything but. She disappears into the bathroom, and when she returns, she looks just as beautiful as always. I step into the bathroom after her, and I’m out within a matter of seconds.

On the way to my house, I stop at a gas station and get us each a cup of coffee. I’m still tired from last night so this caffeine is just what I need. Dad’s home. His truck is in the driveway, and the blinds in the front are open, letting the sunlight in. I park the truck and get out. Hilary is right beside me with her hand in mine. Inside, Dad is sitting at the table reading the morning paper.

“Hey, Dad.” I pull out the chair beside him.

“Hey, son, feels like it’s been forever.”

“Yeah, I’ve been back at the gym and I’m totally forgetting my manners. Dad, this is Hilary.”

Dad’s eyes light up. Maybe, just maybe, he remembers the girl I talked about the night I almost gave up fighting. “Nice to meet you, Hilary.” They shake hands, and she smiles.

“It’s nice to meet you too.”

Dad glances at me and winks. Yep, he knows. If I were a teenager I’d probably die of embarrassment. “I wanted you to finally meet her now that I’ve managed to lure her in,” I joke.

“This is the girl, huh? The one you told me about. I see she escaped the…what did you call him? The douchebag?”

“I’m, uh…in the room.” Hilary sounds a little uneasy.

I clear my throat and remember the other reason we’re here. “Dad, I’ve made a decision and hopefully you will respect it. You and Mom raised me right, and instilled in me the morals I need. I’m going to quit babbling and just come out and say this. Hilary is pregnant but the father is the douchebag. He’s the guy I quit the gym over a while back. I’m going to step up and take responsibility for this baby because I love her.”

Dad’s eyes widen and I’m not sure if he’s getting ready to have a heart attack or actually say something. He glances between Hilary and me several times before he taps his hand on the table. “I’m sure you already know this is a huge responsibility, and the fact that you want to step up and do this speaks for the kind of man you’ve become. I know you probably already know this won’t be easy, but I do respect your decision, son. How does the, uh…douchebag actually feel about you stepping into this role?”

“He doesn’t give a shit, Dad. He doesn’t even want the baby.” I pause, replaying his words in my mind. “You really respect my decision?”

“I do. You know what’s right for you, and if this is it, you’ve made the right decision. Plus, having a baby around here to spoil will bring some happiness back into this house.”

Hilary lets out a sigh, and we both turn to face her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just relieved, I guess.”

“Sweetheart, if my boy is serious about you, then I know this is real. I know he wouldn’t say something like this unless he intends to follow through. I’m glad you found him.”

I grab her hand and gently squeeze it. I want to tell her I knew everything would work out, but instead we sit there and talk to my dad. I keep wishing Mom were there. She would have absolutely loved this.

Chapter 26


We spend the rest of the day visiting with my dad. Hilary bonds quickly with him, and the two of them chat the afternoon away as if they’re old buddies. He takes on the role of the embarrassing parent and brings out photo albums. I cringe when I see myself as a toddler in nothing but a diaper. Then there were the awkward haircut days, and I pretty much want to die, but she’s loving every minute of it.

Photos of Mom are everywhere. Sadness overtakes me. I know she never wanted us to be upset, but it’s so damn hard sometimes. She was never supposed to go the way she did. She was supposed to live a long happy life with Dad, and spoil the hell out of my future kids. Now Dad gets to do all of that, and I know he doesn’t mind. Like he said, it’ll give him some sort of happiness around here. He needs that, and I believe we all do.

It’s getting late and I really need to get Hilary home. Staying on the good side of her parents is for the best, especially since I’m going to be around for a long time. She hugs my dad, and he gives me a thumbs up. I have to shake my head and close my eyes to keep from laughing. He approves.