Page 46 of Hooked (TKO 2)

I don’t know a thing about what is going on in the ring, but clearly he’s winning and the crowd is loving it. Raegan erupts into cheers when he’s announced as the winner, and even I can’t stop the smile from stretching across my face. For that brief moment I’m able to forget about the worries in the darkest part of my mind.

The next match is between two ladies. I didn’t catch their names. “I miss being in there.” Raegan groans as she watches them.

“Are you going to fight again after you have the baby?” I ask.

“Probably not. Whitney didn’t, and I’ll probably follow in her steps. According to Lance, my real fight is beginning after the baby is born, anyway.”

“Wow, look at him giving advice.”

“Yeah, he’s grown up a lot. I thank you for that.”

My insides flutter at her words, and I turn my attention to the ring. I imagine getting to see Raegan fighting before she got pregnant. I can see it in her eyes; she does miss it. The fight ends and the announcer calls the next round of names. His name makes me cringe, and again I’m fidgeting. The thought to throw up crosses my mind, but Raegan grabs my hand and gently squeezes it. When Garrett comes and stands on the other side of me, I know I’ll be okay. I can get through these next few minutes, and then try to forget any of this ever happened.

The first person to make their way to the ring is Travis. I close my eyes, wishing he’d disappear. But when I open them again, he’s there and hasn’t noticed me.

My heart ignites as Lance walks up. I know he wants to look over and see if I’m okay, but he doesn’t want to draw attention. He’s doing what he can to protect me, and I’m grateful for that. I can feel the tension in the ring. Their stares are anything but friendly, and words are exchanged. I’m trying not to be stressed, but I just want this fight to be over.

Chapter 23


Travis is waiting for me in the ring as I walk down to meet him. The glare in his eyes is some pussy attempt to intimidate me, but he doesn’t scare me at all. He never has, and he never will. I’m fighting the urge to look over and make sure Hilary is still okay, but drawing attention to her is the worst thing I could do right now. I don’t know if he’s seen her or not, and all I can do is hope he hasn’t.

I climb into the ring and listen to Blaize recite the rules I know by heart. I’m analyzing Travis. I’ve never fought him before, but I know he’s a lot of talk. I doubt he can back up all his bullshit, and I hope to knock him on his ass.

We’re told to have a clean fight. I shake Travis’s hand.

“I’m ready to break your face against this mat.” He growls at me. “I will get her back. I know she’s with you. Is she here? Is she going to watch me kick your ass? Because when I win, she’ll be coming home with me.”

“Fuck you, Travis. You lost and you’re going to lose tonight, so shut your mouth.”

“Oh, the pretty boy wants to talk shit? We’ll see how much you talk in a few minutes.”

“Go to hell.”

“I will, and I’m bringing her with me.” He smirks. I grimace, keeping my mouth in a straight line. I’m not saying another word to him. The only talking I’ll be doing is with my moves.

The crowd is chanting, waiting for us to fight, and we’re sitting here talking shit like this is some schoolyard argument. I throw a hook. It takes him completely off guard, and the crowd loves it. Not as much as I do, though. While he’s still trying to figure out what happened, I throw another jab and try to sweep him off of his feet. He catches that one, and immediately retaliates with a counter punch. It hurt bad, but my face is so straight I’ll never let him know.

I look up constantly, trying to figure out my next move. I hear Howard yelling something but I can’t look because I can’t draw attention to Hilary. Travis barrels into me, holding me tight while he jabs and punches. I need to get away from him and wear him down. The pain is searing through my body, but I won’t go down like this. I’m able to wiggle a little from his grasp and I swing my foot to knock him off balance. As he falls, I throw a few punches. Anything to make him feel a fraction of the pain he’s caused Hilary, and the pain he’s causing me now.

I don’t stop there. I make him hurt. I’m in control now, and I won’t let up.

I manage to get him in a leg lock, but he fights his way out of it. He has so much energy I’m almost worried he’ll wear me down before I can wear him down. He reaches up, attempting to fish hook me, and the referee taps his shoulder and tells him to stop or he’ll be disqualified. No way in hell do I want him out by disqualification. I’m gasping for air, thinking about my next move. Thinking about how to beat this asshole.

“You thought you could get away with that?” I ask him, getting back to my feet. I’m bouncing around on the balls of my feet, ready for whatever he’s conjuring up.

He’s back on his feet just like me. I’m ready to block whatever hit he may be about to throw when he spits in my face without warning. The crowd begins to boo him. I’ve fought just like I’m trained to do. I’ve done well. I haven’t let my issues affect any of this, but he just spit in my fucking face. I want to wipe it away but I can almost bet he’d use that to throw a cheap shot. This is getting old.

Jab, kick, kick, jab. He’s finally starting to look like he’s wearing down. His face is droopy, and his breathing is ragged. His spit is running down my face and I want to hurl but I continue to throw hooks until I have him backed into a corner. I kick his legs from under him, and pin him down with all my strength. I’m waiting for him to get up and keep fighting but he can’t seem to find the strength to stand. The sound of tapping fills my ears and I look down to see him tapping out. The referee grabs my arm and lifts it into the air as I stand. I can’t believe I fucking beat him. As much as I’d like to gloat in his face, I use my other hand to wipe the remaining spit from my face.

When I spot Hilary, she looks frazzled. I give her a wink to let her know I’m okay. The crowd cheers my name as I climb out of the ring. I want to make my way to Hilary but Travis is still in the ring, so I nod to Garrett and head to the dressing room. I’m holding true to my word. I told Hilary we would leave right away. I stand in front of the sink and wash my face. I can’t stand to have his spit on my face for another minute longer. The door opens and Garrett nods to me.

“We’re going to be outside,” he says.

“I’m coming right now. Let me grab my bag.”

“That was brutal, man. I thought when he spat in your face you were going to fucking kill him.”