Page 28 of Hooked (TKO 2)

In an attempt to lighten the mood, I keep the volume high and begin to sing along as I pull the car away from the diner. Hilary glances at me, raising her eyebrow before bursting into a fit of laughter as I continue to belt the song out at the top of my lungs. As that song ends, “Hold On We’re Going Home” by Drake begins and it couldn’t be more fitting. I reach for her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. I know everything will be okay.

Chapter 12

I park the car, and sit patiently as Hilary goes inside the store to change her number. I just took the biggest leap of my life without even thinking twice. It’s not the baby’s fault that its sperm donor is a world class douchebag. Eventually, I’ll have to tell Raegan and my Dad. Both of them, especially Raegan, will figure out it’s not my baby, but I’ll worry about that later.

The door opens, startling me. I wasn’t expecting her back so soon. She sits beside me and lets out a breath of relief as she shuts the door. “It’s done. I have a new number, and he’ll never be able to contact me again. I even changed his name to asshole so I know not to answer it if he attempts to call me.”

“Good. Now, I’m not trying to pressure you, but when are you going to tell your parents? And what are you going to do about college? Are you going to keep going until the baby comes, and then go back after maternity leave?”

She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “I dropped out of school a few weeks ago.”


“He was controlling every aspect of my life and I couldn’t even go to school without him monitoring everything I did. It was horrible, so I just quit.”

“Damn, Hilary. Don’t let him ruin that for you. And you didn’t answer my other question.”

“I don’t know when I’ll tell them, Lance. I don’t exactly know how they’re going to take this news. I don’t really want to go home tonight. If he shows up at the house, I can’t handle that.”

Fuck. I run my hands through my hair as I search for a solution. I can’t bring her to my house. What would my dad say? I can’t ask Raegan if Hilary can stay there because Garrett would lose his shit. Raegan is supposed to be free of all this mess. There’s only one other option, and all I can do for Hilary’s sake is hope and pray that she is okay with it.

“What if I get a hotel room for tonight? We can try to figure out a game plan for all of this and attempt to move on. What do you say?”

She looks weary. I can only imagine what is going on in her head.

“I guess that’s the only option I have. I’ll help you pay for it. I can’t let you do this by yourself.”

“Stop. I told you I was all in with this. Let me do this for you.”

I don’t give her a chance to answer, I turn up the radio and grab hold of her hand. I pull the car out of the parking lot and back onto the road. It’s time for her to relax and finally trust me. I need her to know I would never hurt her.

I pass about five hotels before I finally stop. After I check in, I park the car in the back in case Travis is stupid enough to search for her. I don’t put anything past him, and I will not underestimate him. Hilary reaches in her backseat for a small overnight bag. She was obviously planning something by the looks of the bag. Was she thinking of running away?

I decide not to pry and just let it go. I hand her the keys and walk around to open the door for her. With the hotel key in my hand, I lead her into our room for the night. I specifically asked for two beds, because I didn’t want her thinking I made this suggestion thinking we would have sex.

She sets her bag on the first bed and gently lays down. She closes her eyes for a moment before reopening them.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink? We didn’t get to eat earlier,” I ask, slumping onto the other mattress.

“No, I’m good right now.

Maybe later.”

“Just let me know, okay?”

She nods, and closes her eyes again. She is so damn tired. I watch her as she peacefully drifts off to sleep. I grab my phone and shut it off. I don’t want anyone bothering me tonight.

Chapter 13


My eyes are weary and my heart is heavy. What the hell does Lance even see in me? I’ve led him astray a few times. But he seems to be drawn to me. It’s like he doesn’t care that I’ve thrown him through the ringer over and over again. He’s done more for me than he should. In high school, he stood up for me when no one else would. I was teased relentlessly for being a so-called good girl. I liked to read books, and I kept to myself. Apparently, that was a crime. Kids can be so damn cruel. He was there to dry my tears and help me survive the years that should have been some of the best of my life.

I’m having a baby for someone who I can’t stand to be around. I don’t know why I thought things might work. When did I become so stupid and helpless? Why did I believe I could somehow be good enough for Travis when I’ve seen the countless messages and naked photos in his phone?

I’ve seen the videos these women have sent him. Videos that make me want to barf in my mouth. I’ve seen them because Travis used to make me watch them to show me what I should be doing for him. I hate him for the person I’ve become. I hate myself for becoming so scared.

I’ve been terrified he’ll kill me. I’m glad I’m out, though. I kick myself in the ass constantly for not truly giving Lance a chance. Somehow, he’s stuck around, waiting patiently over the past few weeks. The fact that he’s willing to step up and care for someone else’s child makes me realize just how much I don’t know about him. I want to know it all, though. I wish like hell we could start over at the beginning, but we can’t. All we have is now.