Page 24 of Hooked (TKO 2)

“Don’t go there, Raegan. Did you really have to bring him up?”

“What?” she says defensively. “He’s a cop. You said to let the cops handle it.”

“Cut the jokes, I’m serious. And don’t call him.”

“Really? You don’t think I would actually call him, do you? Chill out. I want to help her, Garrett. It’s not right. He’s hurting her. He practically forces her to have sex. You heard the messages. She’s terrified of him.”

“And it’s not our problem. Yes, I feel sorry for her but I’m not letting you get too heavily involved in this. Why would I risk you getting hurt?”

“This is my fault,” I interrupt. “I should have never agreed to let Raegan step in and help me with this. This is my problem. I wish to hell I had never agreed to anything like this. I didn’t want to hear any of that because now I just want to fuck him up bad.”

“She agreed to have lunch with me tomorrow,” Raegan says. “Let me do lunch and then I’ll wash my hands of this.”

“No, dammit. You’re done now.” He throws his hands up in frustration. Raegan scowls as she drops her phone on the counter.

“Don’t tell me what to do, Garrett. I want to do this and I’m going to. I told you I’ll be completely done after tomorrow.”

I know she’s pregnant and all, but the two of them look like they may end up going at each other’s throats before this conversation is over. “What if I go to lunch with the two of them, Garrett?” I suggest. “She won’t be alone with her, and I can bring this back under my control.”

“You two are impossible. Does she even want you at lunch, Lance?”

“I can text her to find out,” Raegan says. She looks at me pointedly. “Oh, and I left out a huge chunk of the messages. I left out the ones where she constantly regrets not being with you. I just didn’t want your ego to inflate.”

My heart pounds in my chest hearing those words. I can help save her from Travis, I know I can. She just needs to be able to trust me enough to give me that chance. Raegan starts tapping feverishly on the screen of her phone. Before she can set it down, a message pops up.

Raegan grins infectiously. “Hilary said she’d like to see you.”

I can’t believe she agreed to this, but I hold back my excitement. Everything Raegan has told us this evening makes my heart sink. I know I’m going to want to hold Hilary tight tomorrow, and not let her out of my sight.

“Okay, so you two have this settled. After tomorrow, Raegan is done with this.” He’s talking to us as if we’re little kids.

“Sure, Dad.” I salute, earning a middle finger from Garrett. He should have known how easily the sarcasm would leak from my lips. It’s second nature to me.

“Lance, I will hide both your keys and Raegan’s keys and no one will go to lunch. So, don’t fuck with me.”

“That’s not fair, Garrett,” Raegan snaps. I love that she’s put such passion into this for me. I couldn’t have gotten this far without her help.

“What’s not fair is you two hiding things from me.” His words emerge edged with annoyance. “I thought you were better than that, but then I remember who I’m talking about. You are nothing but trouble, and I get to clean up your messes.”

“But you’re so good at it, Mr. Clean,” I tease. Raegan stifles a laugh, and the glare we get tells me we should chill out. I know he’s just worried about us, and the lines indented in his forehead also show just how pissed off he is. “I swear, Garrett, I’m taking control of this tomorrow, and Raegan will have nothing more to do with it.”

“I hope you’re right.”

He walks over to the fridge, grabbing another beer. I’d ask for another, but with the way we’ve agitated him tonight, I’d probably end up with a bottle upside my head.


Sleep was scarce last night. All I could do was wonder what the day would bring. The thought to text Hilary crossed my mind about a million times, but I could never work up the courage to do it. I also didn’t want Travis catching wind of the lunch we have planned. I want to get her away from him, not make things worse for her.

I stumble into the kitchen, cursing myself for lack of sleep. My eyes are heavy and my limbs feel sluggish. Dad is sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. My heart grows heavy, wishing Mom were sitting there beside him. I miss those days so much. It’s gotten a little easier, but there are times when reality slams full force into me, reminding me of everything we’ve lost.

I open the cabinet and grab another coffee cup Mom always used. I hold tightly to the cup as I pour a cup of coffee. The dark brown liquid is steaming hot, but I can’t wait to drink it. I need it to work its caffeine magic on me.

Dad looks up from the paper and smiles kindly with his eyes. “What are you up to this morning, Lance? Going back to train?”

“I started yesterday. I missed it. I’m glad I went back.” I bring the coffee cup to my lips.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away for long. I’m just getting ready to head out for work. It’s good to sit here with you for a moment.”