Page 22 of Hooked (TKO 2)

My gut twists as I wonder what Raegan and Hilary have been talking about. It must not be anything too important if Raegan hasn’t told me anything yet. I just want to know what is really going on and if Hilary is okay. She may not give a shit about me, but for some strange reason I care more about her than I should.

“Oh, okay,” I mumble.

“What’s going on, Lance?” Garrett asks me with a raised eyebrow.

Howard interrupts and tells us to get busy. In the back of my mind, there are so many things I want to start telling my best friend but I’m not sure how stupid I would sound once those things started coming out. I’d sound like a pussy for sure. Lance Borel is a pussy whipped man, and he’s not even dating the girl. What a damn joke.

My hands slide into my gloves and the perfect fit reminds me of everything I love about sparring and being on the mat. Garrett raises his eyebrow and I smirk. Time to get back to work.

Thirty minutes later, sweat is pouring from my body and I’m smirking at Garrett as he pulls himself off the mat. He gave me a good run for my money considering I’ve not been here in a while. Fighting is in my blood, though, so it’s as if I haven’t missed a single day.

“Want to spar one more time?” I ask him, reaching for his hand.

“Fuck no, I’m going home.”


“No, I just wanted to fuck with you.” He grabs my hand, and throws me down on the mat. I land with a grunt. “So, tell me what’s going on.”

I glance toward the office where Howard is sitting. I don’t want him to get onto me for not training, so I nod toward the weight bench. “Come spot me and I’ll tell you about it.”

I lift a heavy weight off the rack and set up the bar. Lying back on the cool bench, I stare up at the bar, waiting for Garrett to get his lazy ass over here and spot me. I don’t want to lift it without him here. I know I can do it, but since it’s been a while, I don’t need to risk an injury.

“Tell me what’s going on, and what the hell you have Raegan involved in,” he says, causing me to jump. I was lost in my own thoughts and not paying attention.

I grip the bar and lift it up. I begin my repetitions and slowly let the words fall from my lips. “Raegan came to check on me a few days ago. I had gone to Joe’s alone the night before and didn’t stay long. I left my phone at home. I wanted to forget everything. When I got back, I saw missed calls from you and Raegan, and a few messages from Hilary. Raegan asked why I haven’t come back, and I told her I quit. She called me a liar, but I told her I can’t fight knowing Travis is around because he pushes my fucking buttons.”

I stop to hand the bar to Garrett and he places it back. “That’s when I told her how he treats Hilary like crap. It drives me crazy wondering why she stays around him. I mean, I used to protect her from this kind of shit. She could be doing so much better. I could treat her so much better than him.”

I rattle off everything Hilary had texted me that night, along with the message Travis sent. For the first time since I began speaking, I look up to meet Garrett’s eyes. They are wide and his face is crimson. Hell, I didn’t know this would upset him.

“This sounds like dangerous waters. And you have my pregnant girlfriend intervening? What are you thinking?”

I shrug. “She’s the one who offered to talk to her. I didn’t ask her to. She took her number from my phone.”

“I really wish I didn’t know this. Travis is fucking insane and he’s stirring up more shit. I don’t like that she’s involved. That’s all I’m saying.”

“I get you, man. I understand.”

I don’t see any harm coming from this unless Travis sees the messages on Hilary’s phone. Then I’m sure he’d hunt me down, and I’d gladly kick his ass.

“I don’t get why I care so much,” I admit. “She’s never really given me a chance. I’ll tell Raegan to leave it alone. That sound good to you?”

“She won’t leave it alone, though. Once she’s involved, that’s it. Why don’t you come by for dinner tonight? I’ll order pizza and the three of us can talk this over. We can see just what Raegan and Hilary have been discussing, and go from there. I’m telling you, though, if it’s too sketchy…she’s done with it.” He crosses his arms over his chest for added emphasis.

“Sounds like a plan to me. I’m hungry anyway.”

His invitation possibly brings defeat to the situation, but curiosity is eating me alive on the inside. I’m excited to hear what the two girls have been saying, but I’m terrified things might not go how I want them to. If Garrett decides he doesn’t want Raegan speaking to her anymore, how the hell will I know anything if Hilary won’t tell me herself? Hell, what if Hilary isn’t even confiding in her? Raegan is an easygoing girl, and her personality basically screams, hey, talk to me and tell me all your problems.

I’m pretty sure they have some sort of girl code where they know this kind of stuff, and hopefully Hilary is eating out of the palm of her hand.

Chapter 10

After the little bit of sparring and lifting I’ve done today, my body is aching. The burn only fuels me to want to return to the swing of things. It’s funny how just missing a few days makes an impact on everything. Tomorrow I’ll be back, and this aching will slowly fade. Hopefully this hurt inside will also fade. I’m dying to know everything Raegan and Hilary have talked about. For once, I want to hear something good, something worthwhile. Something to tell me that what I’m fighting for isn’t just some joke.

I thank Howard again on my way out the door, and drive home to shower. My heart is racing, and I’m nervous. The shower seems to last forever even though I’m in and out in a matter of minutes. I throw on a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. With my wallet and keys in hand, I jolt out the front door and drive like crazy to Garrett and Raegan’s apartment.

I walk in as if I own the place. That’s the beauty of going to your best friend’s house. No need to knock. I know Garrett hasn’t been home too long which means he hasn’t had time to seduce Raegan, or whatever it is those two love birds do.