Page 16 of Hooked (TKO 2)

I turn back to Drake in time to block yet another blow, and something finally snaps in my head. No way in hell am I losing this fight. My feet shuffle beneath me as I prepare to throw a hook. About damn time that I catch him off guard, and the crowd goes wild. I wish I could see the smirk of satisfaction disappear from Travis’s face right now, but I have to finish this.

The odds begin to work in my favor as I feel myself come alive. My heart is pounding, the blood is steadily flowing through my veins, shooting straight adrenaline through me. Drake has his hands up, expecting another hook, but instead I sweep his legs from under him taking him down to the mat. The crowd continues to roar. They seem thrilled I finally came to my damn senses. Drake struggles to find a way back into this fight, but exhaustion is taking over him. When he taps out, relief washes over me. For a moment, I wasn’t sure I would be able to beat him.

Blaize jumps in the ring and throws my hand up as the crowd begins to chant my name. I’m exhausted, and the sweat continues to pour down my face but I can’t help but smirk. You hear that, Hilary? They’re chanting my name.

Blaize drops my hand and I immediately turn to where I saw her moments before, but there are no signs of either of them. I’m sure he dragged her out not long after we made eye contact. Did she even like seeing me, or was it torture for her? All I know is seeing her was the most incredible blend of pleasure and pain. Pleasure because she’s all I think about, but pain because she may never speak to me again.

I make my exit from the ring, slapping hands with some fans. I love the interaction with them. I nearly live for that as much as I do the fighting. They are part of what pushes me to become better than I already am.

Howard looks disappointed. He knows I was struggling in a fight that should have been easy. I don’t want to hear him bitch though, because I won. That’s all that should matter.

He doesn’t say a word, but Whitney speaks up. “I was beginning to wonder what the hell was happening to you in there.”

“Hilary was here, wasn’t she?” Raegan asks. She popped up seemingly out of nowhere. I didn’t even think she was here tonight.

Howard’s eyes widen, and his stare has me wanting to cower in a corner. Raegan and her big mouth are going to get me in trouble.

“Not that I know of,” I tell her.

“I saw her and Travis here,” she says, ruining my cover. “He fucking glared at me like I’m supposed to be scared of him.”

“Well, I didn’t see her,” I lie. “I’m over that, anyway. She was nothing more than a distraction. Nothing that I want or need right now.” In reality, seeing her evoked emotions I’ve been trying to keep in check since last night. Emotions I may as well bury since I ruined everything.

“Oh,” Raegan says, a little disappointed. Either she’s actually believing me, or she’s decided not to push the subject.

“Where’s Garrett?” I ask.

“He went to get his truck and bring it closer for me. We had to park in the back.”

“Well, isn’t he a knight in shining armor?” I smirk. “Or is it tin foil?”

Raegan bursts into laughter. “You’re stupid, Lance.”

I cock my head to the side. “This is why ya’ll love me. Are you ready to go? I’ll walk you outside to meet Garrett.”

“Sure,” she says, turning to tell Whitney and Howard goodbye. Howard isn’t looking so pissed anymore, thanks to my lie. As Raegan and I make our way outside, she says, “You saw her, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Mommy. Am I still allowed to play when I get home since I’ve been a bad boy?”

“Go find your girls at Joe’s. I bet they’ll let you play.”

She knows me all too well, but I’m not going anywhere but home. The warm air hits me in the face, almost sucking the breath from my body. Garrett climbs out of his truck and just grins at me as he makes his way toward Raegan. “You almost choked tonight, man. You had me worried.”

“Yeah, you aren’t the only one,” I mutter.

He wraps his arm around Raegan’s waist as he pulls her in for a kiss. Love, who the fuck needs it? They do, but I don’t.

“You’re a damn joke in the ring.” I hear a gloating voice behind me. My vision turns red and I don’t have to even face him to know who it is.

“Shut the fuck up, Travis,” Garrett says, right after he gives Raegan a look telling her to get in the truck. With her being pregnant, her safety is top priority.

“I see you’re finally keeping your bitch in check, Johnson.”

Raegan’s head spins around and she glares at him. Garrett gives her a stern look and she huffs before climbing into the truck and slamming the door behind her.

“Don’t you have something better to do, Travis?” I ask, stepping closer to him. “Didn’t you learn your lesson the other day?”

He balls his fists up against his sides, and the vein in his neck expands. “I have a real problem with you, asshole. You don’t know how to stay away, do you? I