Page 32 of Hooked (TKO 2)

“What happens if he does find out? He’s going to come for her, and for you. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“That big motherfuc

ker doesn’t scare me, and you know it. I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep her and that baby safe.”

“You’re a good guy, Lance. Not many guys would do what you are doing. Anything you need, you let me know. I just didn’t realized you cared that much for Hilary. Raegan doesn’t know about this, does she?”

“No. You said keep her out of this, and I am. She’s going to kill me when she hears you knew first. My dad doesn’t even know. You and Howard are the only ones.”

“Christ. Well, you’re like a brother to me. I know I gave you shit about her because of Travis, but I’m here for you.”

“I appreciate that…more than you know.” I give him a quick hug. It means so much to me that he has my back in this turmoil. There will be sunshine at the end. There has to be.

“Time to practice before Howard catches us socializing.” Out of nowhere, he leg sweeps me to the ground. It’s like we weren’t just having a heart to heart at all. Business as usual. I’m glad he keeps me on my toes.

I jump up and position myself into sparring stance. Jabs and hooks are thrown, bodies are slammed to the ground, and here I am in my element. In my home, where I belong.

Chapter 15


Watching Whitney with her little girl was quite the eye opener for me. I feel like I’m keeping the biggest secret bottled up, and I don’t even know this woman. This will be my life in a few months, and although I’m panicking slightly on the inside, I trust Lance and I know everything will be fine. I’m glad I’m here to sit with someone else and not be alone with my thoughts. I know I’m safe inside this gym, and he can’t find me here. He’ll never find me again.

“Lance looks so happy with you here. It’s good to see him smiling. It’s nice to see the impact you’ve had on him.” Whitney’s comment breaks me out of my thoughts.

“Thank you, it’s good to hear that. I know I’ve put him through hell, but he’s a good guy.”

“He is. He’s practically family. We’ve been through a lot together. He was there for me and Garrett when our parents were killed, and we were there for him when he lost his mom.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear about your parents.” I avert my eyes to hide the pity I feel.

“It happened a few years back. It’s okay. We found this gym to help us cope with everything. I sure miss being out there, but being with this little girl is much better for me.”

“You used to fight?”

“Yeah, me and Raegan. I was a force to be reckoned with, those were the good days.” Randi Lynn coos, and she softly kisses her forehead.

“That’s amazing. I could never do anything like that.”

“You’d be surprised. So, Hilary, what do you do?”

I cringe at her words. It’s almost like she can read me and she knows something. “I was going to college, but I recently dropped out.” Her soft eyes are kind, and I feel like I just need to keep talking. That never happens with me, not with someone I’ve never met before. “Personal reasons. I got caught up in a bad relationship.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you going to go back to school?”

“I plan on it, after the ba—I mean, after a little while.” Way to freaking go, Hil, you almost spilled it.

Whitney perks up as if she knows, and she glances at the one spot I wish I could hide. I’m nowhere near showing yet, but I know she’s not stupid. She’s figured me out. I don’t know why I thought I could keep this a secret.

“Were you about to say baby?”

My face flushes. I’ve put myself in an awkward position. I lower my gaze and nod, clasping my hands together and sitting there wishing I could disappear. I raise my eyes to find she’s just patiently watching me. “Yeah,” I whisper.

“Congratulations!” She beams.

“Thanks.” My quiet reply doesn’t go unnoticed. Whitney awaits my explanation. “It wasn’t planned.”

“It rarely is. I understand.” She reaches for my hand.