Page 30 of Hooked (TKO 2)

“Thanks, Lance.” Her half-smile tilts my world on its axis, but I keep my emotions in check.

“You’re welcome.” I loosen my grip on the bag like it’s on fire, and retreat back to the bed before I can screw anything up. I need her to trust me.

She closes the door and I just sit on the bed and patiently wait for her to finish. I’m shocked when she emerges from the bathroom only ten minutes later. I’ve always heard women take forever to get ready, but since I’ve never really dated anyone, I can’t prove it.

Her brown hair is still wet and sitting in a bun on top of her head. Her shorts make her legs go on for miles and I know if we don’t get out of this hotel room soon, I may do something I’m sure to regret later. She’s beautiful.

“I know I told you I’ve got to go to the gym today. Howard and Garrett will have my ass for sure if I don’t show. Do you have somewhere you can go that’s safe?”

Her eyes close and when she reopens them, worry shows through her creased brow. “I don’t really want to be alone, but I understand you have to go. Um, I think I can go home for a little bit. It should be okay.”

“Are you sure?” I pull her hand into mine and give her a gentle squeeze. I don’t want her feeling like she’s any sort of inconvenience, because she isn’t.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Her voice is hesitant. What if she runs again and I can’t find her?

“Hil, if you don’t feel safe it’s okay to tell me. You can come sit at the gym. Raegan may be there, it’s totally up to you.”

“I don’t want to intrude on you, Lance, but if you’re sure it’s okay I’d li

ke to go with you. I know I must sound clingy, and I don’t mean to, but I just don’t want to be alone.”

Tears shine in her eyes, and I refuse to let them fall. Her face is too beautiful to be tainted by tears. “Hil, I promise you don’t sound clingy. Come with me, it’ll be okay. No one will say anything to you.”

“If you’re sure…” The hesitation is back in her voice. I wish I could take that away.

“I’m positive. Let’s get out of here, okay? I promised you real food.” Her lips curve upward into a gin and I grab her bag for her. “We won’t be coming back here, either. I’ll talk to my dad, and you can stay with us for as long as you need.”

He’s an understanding guy; he’s sure to see things the way I do.

“Okay,” she says, and we step out of the hotel room into the bright light of the morning.


“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Howard bellows.

I’ve barely gotten one foot inside the door. I should have known this was coming and I should have warned her.

“Yeah, I’m here, don’t get your panties in a wad,” I joke. Hilary walks in right behind me. I turn back to make sure she’s all right and her eyes widen as she takes in the surroundings. “Hey, Howard, do you mind if Hilary hangs out in your office today?”

He raises his eyebrow at me, but he nods toward the office. “Whitney is in there feeding the baby. She can keep her company.”

“Thanks, man.” I walk Hilary toward the door. “Whitney, how’s my favorite little girl, Randi, doing?”

“She’s great, as long as you aren’t here to fill her ears with profanity.” She laughs.

I grab my chest and frown. “I thought we were past that. I’m an angel, and you know it.” I walk over and give Randi a kiss on the forehead, then beckon Hilary forward. She’s been standing in the background the whole time, and I doubt Whitney has even noticed her. “Whitney, this is Hilary. She’s a good friend of mine, and I was hoping you’d be nice enough to keep her company while I practice.”

Whitney’s eyes light up. I know it’s foreign for anyone around here to see me with a girl, so they must think the world is getting ready to end. “Of course! Hi, Hilary, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Hilary doesn’t seem uncomfortable, which I’m glad for. She sits by Whitney and begins admiring Randi Lynn.

“Well, you two ladies behave, and don’t talk bad about me or Randi will let me know.”

“Get out, Lance, it’s girl time.” Whitney laughs, and once I’m sure Hilary is okay, I back out of the room and go take care of the reason I come here.

Garrett isn’t here yet. Howard is lifting weights in the corner and stops when he sees me inching closer. “Sorry to spring her on Whitney like that. I didn’t realize she’d be coming.”

“It’s not a problem, is it? I don’t need Travis showing up at my gym.”