Page 21 of Hooked (TKO 2)

For the first time in a while, I wake up feeling refreshed. In the back of my mind, I’m know this is going to be a good day. Dad is already gone when I make my way to the kitchen, but he left enough coffee for me. I grab one of my mom’s favorite coffee cups. The paint is chipped on the side, and there’s a crack at the top, but it’s still the perfect cup. I fill it to the brim with the dark liquid and then add a little creamer to turn it the perfect shade of light brown. I sit at the kitchen table like Mom and Dad used to do, but today it’s only me. All my plans for the day play through my mind. Howard is going to see that I’m ready to get back to work, and with any luck Hilary will see just how genuine I can be. I want it to go right. It has to. If it doesn’t, it just may break me more inside.

I finish my cup, and decide to get out of the house. I’ll never know what will happen until I drag my ass out of here. Nothing can kill my mood today. Optimism is running through my veins. I’m making today my bitch.

I change my clothes and grab my keys. Walking out the door, Mother Nature decides to piss on my parade. The skies are a gloomy shade of gray and a rumble in the distance signifies a coming storm. I should have checked the weather. Sighing, I walk to my truck and begin my drive to Lou’s. I knew I missed the place, but I never realized just how much I did until I pulled into my parking spot. Garrett’s truck is on one side of me, and Howard’s vehicle on the other.

I open my door and the gravel crunches beneath my shoes. Another rumble of thunder fills the dark sky followed by a few sprinkles of rain. Time to get inside. I reach out for the doorknob and hold onto it for a split second. It’s now or never. This is the first step in getting my life back in order. This is my world.

I walk into Lou’s, and it feels as if I’ve been gone for an eternity. Garrett’s face breaks out into a grin when he sees me. A few newer members are lifting weights in the corner. They don’t fight, but they like the privacy they get by training here. I make my way to Howard’s office.

He’s sitting at his desk holding his phone up to his face. His tongue is hanging out, and he’s in full concentration mode.

“Are you still trying to beat that videogame?” I ask him as I sit in the chair in front of the desk.

He looks up, setting his phone on the desk. “It’s a bitch. This game is rigged like a motherfucker.”

“I could have told you that.”

“So, what brings you in here today, Lance?” he asks me, like he has no clue why I’m here.

“This place is my life, Howard. I want it back.”

“I thought you quit. To be honest, I didn’t think that word was even in your vocabulary.”

“I didn’t think it was, either. I overreacted that night. Travis pushed my buttons and I should have stepped away. He knew what he was doing, and I just couldn’t be the bigger man and step away. Not when he was saying the shit he was. I’m sorry.”

Howard studies my face intently. His eyes narrow and he’s beginning to scare the shit out of me. “I know. Garrett told me everything the next day. I was going to come to you and talk but you said you quit so I was going to honor your decision. By the way, I talked to Mike, the owner of the gym Travis trains at, and he has decided to suspend Travis for his next few matches.”

On the outside, my face is hard as a rock. I reveal no emotion. On the inside, I’m as giddy as a fucking school girl.

“I know you suspended me, but I’ve had time to think over the last few days. If you’ll let me, I would like to come back, Howard. This is my family. This is my home.”

“I can’t lie. It hasn’t been the same without you here, Lance. Welcome home.”

He stands, pushing his chair back. It screeches as it slides across the floor. I stand to meet him, and the burly man pulls me in for a hug. “I knew your stubborn ass would be back. Matter of fact, Garrett owes me fifty bucks.”

“You assholes were betting on me?” I ask, laughing.

“Hell yeah. I knew you’d be back within a few days. He figured you would take a few weeks. I win.”

I roll my eyes and look toward the mats. I’m itching to be back out there and now I have my chance. Phase one is complete.

Garrett’s smile turns to a grimace when he sees Howard standing against the doorframe, holding his hand out. “Why couldn’t you

wait?” he asks.

“Cough it up, Garrett, I win.” Howard laughs, stepping back into his office.

“Yeah, yeah, okay.”

I’ve missed this place way too much. Garrett raises his eyebrow like he’s expecting me to just start telling him all my problems, but he pretty much knows it all. I mean, he was outside when the shit with Travis went down.

“Has, uh…has Raegan talked to…” I stop myself before I can continue. I’m not sure how to phrase the question.

“Has she talked to who, that girl?” he asks me with a puzzled expression.

“Um, yeah, her. Sorry, I don’t know why I asked you that.”

“Don’t sweat it, dude. I think she has been, though.”