“What’s so funny, babe?”

“Oh nothing.” I moan into his mouth, continuing our kiss.

This cheap plastic Barbie has definitely found her hot sexy Ken. She isn’t just swooning over him anymore and she’s not plastic. She’s found her happy ending, because Barbie always gets Ken. The shoe, er…gloves fit. Perfectly.

Chapter 37


Three Months Later

Do I miss fighting? Pretty much every time I watch Garrett or Lance step into the ring. I haven’t stopped training though; I don’t think I ever will. Maybe it’s the high I get from it, or the company of everyone inside Lou’s. I don’t know what it is, but I love it. Howard offered to pay me to help run the gym when he and Whitney can’t be there. I took him up on it since I love that place so much. After dinner last night, I definitely need to work out, so I’m looking forward to my next visit at the gym. Nancy and Dad invited us over for supper. She cooked this massive pork roast with all the trimmings and she made an apple pie. Oh dear Lord, I ate until I couldn’t eat anymore. I could barely move and somehow managed to talk Garrett into carrying me to the truck.

Dad and Nancy have been taking things slow, working on bringing their relationship back to where it once was. Hard to believe just a few months ago everything went down the way it did. It was my personal hell on earth, but it led me where I am today. I’d have never met Garrett. Would I have stayed happy with James? I’m not sure and I’ll never know. My life changed for the better because of Garrett. I changed his life, too. He never thought he was relationship material. He hid his heart, but I snagged it, and now I love him so deeply words cannot describe it.

Lance started seeing some girl he took home from the bar. This was a first, and took some getting used to. Garrett and I had a bet going on whether or not she would be the one to tame him. I’m not sure I see that day coming anytime soon. She’s pretty; I think she was the brunette I remember from the night I went out with him, but then again I don’t know for sure. I recall one night we were drunk, the night he told me about his mom, and then he said he met a girl. Was that her?

I’m in bed staring at the sun through the blinds, groaning. Dammit, I know I ate way too much last night, my stomach is aching. I hear the shower running; if I can drag my ass off this bed, I can go join Garrett in the shower. That sounds amazing. The minute I start to move, his phone rings. Whitney’s name pops up.


“Raegan? It’s Howard. We’re headed to the hospital. Whitney’s water broke.”

“Oh my God!” I jump up, shooting off the mattress as if something bit me. “Let me holler at Garrett and we’ll be right there.” I end the call up before he can say anything else.

I run to the bathroom door like a lunatic. Before I can turn the doorknob, Garrett steps out in a towel. Oh damn, he’s so sexy.

Stop it Raegan, you’re on a mission. Whitney’s having a baby!

“Get dressed Garrett. Howard called, Whitney’s water broke!”

“What’s that mean?” Poor thing stood there looking confused. I kissed his lips before throwing some jeans on.

“She’s having her baby.”

“Oh shit!” He suddenly scrambles to the bedroom, throwing on the first thing he sees, a black pair of basketball shorts and a gray t-shirt.

With hazard lights flashing, we sped to the hospital, getting there in record time. We found Howard pacing back and forth, worried to death. He said they’d admitted her, but he couldn’t watch; he was scared she was getting hurt. We walked in to find a much sedated Whitney. Her contractions were off the chart but thanks to the epidural, she felt no pain.

Garrett picked at her about the tacky hospital gown she was wearing, trying to lighten the mood. Normally she’d be ready to kill him, but she was more content than I’d ever seen her. If I ever have a baby, I definitely want to make sure I get an epidural.

“Garrett,” she whispered. “I’m scared.” There were tears in her eyes as she held his hand.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Whitney. I promise. Don’t worry, okay?” She tried to smile but nurses kept coming in to check on her. Her nerves were getting the best of her.

“I want Mom and Dad here.” She cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

He squeezed her hand, trying to remain cool and collected. “I know, Whitney, I know. They’re watching over you though, they see you, I just know it. They’re here with us now.”

My heart broke for them.

Shortly after the doctor came in, Garrett and I step into the waiting room. Hours pass. Neither of us could wait to see the baby. After a while, Howard emerges, a big, normally intimidating man with tears in his eyes. Garrett stops for a second, frowning.

“Is the baby all right? Are you okay?”

“She’s okay, right?” I repeat the question, as if worried Howard didn’t hear him the first time.

“She’s fine, come on.”