“You like her, Garrett, it’s not a crime,” Whitney says, her voice softer now. “Just give it some time. She’s stubborn, kind of like how you used to be.”

Howard clears his throat before he interferes in the conversation. I really hope he’s not planning on screaming at me for walking out tonight. My brain is warped from Raegan, I can’t handle much more.

“Look, Garrett, I’m pissed…don’t think I’m not. But I know you were just looking out for her, so I won’t hold this against you. Like I told her, we’ll put this behind us. But I will say this, the two of you are the best I have, and if you can’t get your heads out your asses, I’ll have to do it for you, and you won’t like it one bit.”

We talk a few more minutes before the two of them leave. Once I’m in bed, I can’t get to sleep. Is she okay? That’s all I really care about. The whole debacle plays through my head, especially the part where she thought I’d actually put my hands on her like that. I would never, ever hit a woman.

I imagine her soft lips pressed against mine as I hold her; my imagination is all I’ve got. Is she going to avoid everyone again like she did a few weeks ago? If she does, I’ll find her and get her to talk to me. I can’t walk through that hell again and make it out alive.

Chapter 18


I made the mistake of avoiding everyone after the counter incident with Dad. Not this time. Last night was a mess, but I’ll walk into the gym with my head held high and train. And I’d do it all while I try my best to steer clear of Garrett. As soon as I step into Lou’s, I make a beeline for Lance.

He’s standing beside the weight bench looking as if he’s trying to decide whether to lift weights or do something else. I lean against the bench and let out a dramatic sigh.

“Well, where did you and Garrett run off to?” Lance eyes me suspiciously. “There were a lot of pissed off people last night. You both missed your fights. I think I know what you were up to.”

“Yeah, okay, far from it. Want me to punch you now or later, asshole?” I grin when his jaw drops.

“Can’t blame a guy for asking.”

“Whatever. Look, can I be honest with you, Lance?” I run my fingers through my long ponytail out of nervous habit before crossing my arms over my chest.

“Of course.”

“I like him, okay? Really, really like him. Don’t give me those eyes, you knew this already, but I can’t let anything happen. Can you distract him, get him to think of something else?”

“Um, I’m not gay, Raegan. I thought you knew this.”

I punch his arm and burst out cackling. “You are an ass, Lance. Fucking unbelievable.”

I didn’t realize Garrett had approached; the smooth sound of his voice gave him away. “What’s so funny?”

My gaze meets his and I see pain—and hope. I clear my throat. “Nothing at all. Lance and I are just bullshitting.”

Garrett’s breath tickles my ear as he leans in and asks, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

He sends chills down my spine, making me weak in the knees, but I act l

ike the biggest bitch and give him a flat, “No.”

He lets out an exasperated sigh before stalking off.

“Damn girl,” Lance says. “You are cold hearted. All he wants to do is talk.”

“Yeah, well, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

Whitney walks in cradling her tiny belly. She must’ve caught the end of the conversation. “Why are you afraid to talk to him, Raegan?”

If I didn’t adore Whitney, I’d probably snap at her. “I just am,” I mutter. “I don’t know, it’s weird. He’s amazingly sweet. But it’s like every time he brings me back to the apartment to hang out, I screw it up.”

“So you screw it up but you don’t screw him?” Lance chuckles to himself. “What am I missing here?” I glare at him before he heads toward the office and calls out, “Yo, Howard!”

Whitney brushes her dark bangs out of her face and flashes a smile in my direction. “Come shopping with me, get your mind off this place and Garrett. Howard won’t mind, I promise.”

“You know what, I will. It’s just what I need.”