The lights on the floor hit her body the right way, and she glows like an angel. I hoped for a slow song but they played Joan Jett next and I was subjected to watching Raegan and Lance sing about how much they loved rock and roll. They were dancing on chairs, which was a picture worthy moment, but I was too busy laughing my ass off and being worried at the same time about what I was going to say to her. I missed her so damn much it hurt.

Good lord, what am I going to do with these two? Everyone clapped for them afterward; she looked a little embarrassed but from where I stood, she looked amazing. I felt as if I had to remind myself to breathe while I walked toward her. Without giving myself a chance to second guess my actions, I wrap my arms around her waist, feeling her body instantly tense. I lean toward her neck, letting my breath linger there for a minute; she still doesn’t move.

“I love you, Raegan.” Soon she’s crying against my chest, and I’m holding her.

“I love you, too.” I wasn’t sure I would ever hear her say those words again. All my life I never believed a relationship would ever be worth it; when I met Raegan she changed all that. When she left me, I was torn in two. Now, I’m a new man.

Before she kisses me, she begs for my forgiveness.

How could I not forgive her? I pull her in close, holding her as if my life depended on it. When she asks if I’m ready to go, I don’t hesitate. I’ll thank Lance later.

I want to show her how much I missed her. I don’t think I’ve ever sped so fast trying to get home.

I scoop her back in my arms from the truck, her legs once again wrapped around my waist as we make our way inside the apartment. I kick the door shut; my hands are cupping that perfect ass as I carry her into the bedroom. I carefully lay her down before crushing my lips to hers. She sits up to take her shirt off. I lick my lips as I hover over her breasts, lowering myself to taste them. She arches her back, letting out a moan. She runs her fingers through my hair slowly, pulls harder when she gets a little more excited. Fuck. She’s gonna kill me before we even get started.

Raegan reaches down trying to lower my pants but she gets frustrated and cups me from the outside. I groan, pulling them off as quickly as I can. Her skirt is off just as fast, and damn she’s just as wet as she was outside Joe’s. I can’t wait any longer; I need to be inside her. I need to feel what I’ve been missing. She doesn’t object as I get ready to bury myself inside her; she’s almost begging me to. I enter slowly; she gasps as she steadies her breathing. She begs me to go faster, harder, and once her legs are wrapped around my back, I thrust into her. I can feel her body tense as she comes; I’m right behind her, collapsing on her as we relax from our high.

Lying next to her, I glance up at the ceiling, offering a silent prayer to God for this perfect moment. Raegan’s eyes are closed; the faintest smile is on her lips. I lean in and kiss the corner of her mouth, and she kisses me back. God, I love this woman.

“Garrett, that was absolutely amazing, but we do need to talk.” Damn. I was hoping to avoid this conversation.

“Whatever I did, Raegan, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I should have never raised my voice at you like that. I wasn’t even thinking, you know I would never hurt you, right?”

“I know that now. Whitney did a lot of talking for you these past two months. I was upset because you invaded my privacy by answering my phone. I would never do that to you and wait to tell you about it. When you raised your voice, all I saw were flashbacks of my dad. I will never be in that situation again. I should have trusted you but I was scared.”

She was frightened of me? I grab her hand, pulling it into mine.

“Raegan, I’m so sorry. I’d never do anything to hurt you in any way. If I could take that night back, I would do it in a damn heartbeat. I want to spend the rest of my life making up these past two months with you. I want to spend every day giving you everything you want and need. Being without you was hell. If I ever have to be without you again, I don’t think I can make it.”

Raegan’s eyes are wet from tears that have yet to fall. I don’t want her shedding another tear. I kiss her forehead, letting my lips linger for just a moment longer.

“I love you, Garrett. I’m as sure of that as the sky is blue. I wanted to talk to you so many times but I was a coward. I was scared you wouldn’t want me back or that you had moved on. I couldn’t put myself through that. The last time I needed space, he moved on.” She’s talking about her ex; I see the pain in her eyes. It’s easy to read but she quickly pushes it away.

“Raegan, there was no moving on. There was only you. If I couldn’t have you, I didn’t want anyone else. No one could ever make me feel the way I feel when I’m with you. He was stupid to move on like he did, I would never do that. You hear me? Never.”

“I’m so sorry I called him that night.” Her cheeks flush. “Nothing happened, Garrett, I swear on my life. I was drunk and fucking stupid. He’s in love, I’m happy for him. She wasn’t there, that’s the only reason I stayed the night to sleep it off. I was embarrassed of myself. I love you, Garrett. I only love you. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, Raegan, I swear. I believe you. I wish you hadn’t called him but we can’t change that. We’re here together now, that’s the past.”

“Does this mean you think we could have a second chance?” The nervous expression on her face is enough to hurt me again but she should already know the answer to that question.

“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life, Raegan.”

I run my fingers through her hair before kissing her temple and pulling her into me.

The next morning I sneak out of bed while she’s peacefully sleeping. I want to do something special for her. I whip up some pancake batter and fry some bacon. I half expected the smell of the bacon to wake her, but she’s still asleep. I grab a coffee cup, filling it with hot, dark liquid before setting it on the table. I can’t help but grin as I think of being able to walk into the bedroom and wake her up. Before everything fell apart, she was with me every night. Pieces of her were all over in this apartment. Now I want to officially ask her to move in with me.

She’s lightly snoring when I walk back into the room. The covers are around her waist, her bare chest facing down on the mattress. I sit beside her, planting a kiss on her shoulder. She stirs only a little, groaning before grabbing the covers and attempting to throw them over her head. I catch them, laughing as I pull them away.

“Wake up, baby. I cooked breakfast for you.”

The mention of food has her lifting her head out of curiosity. “What’d you cook?” she asks groggily.

“I heated up some pop tarts for you. You like strawberry, right?”

Her head shot up, her eyes widening.

“You better be kidding.” She laughed, then slowly got up, grabbing one of my shirts off the floor. She looked perfect in it; I’m almost one hundred percent positive we aren’t leaving the house at all today.