When my phone rings, I see Whitney’s name on the screen. “Hello?”

“Hey Garrett, it’s Howard.”

“Is something wrong? What’s going on?” Frantic worry settles in my stomach.

“Everything’s fine now. Whitney was hurting, so I brought her to the emergency room. Something about some fake contractions or something. But she’s fine and we’re heading home. I just wanted to let you know.”

Thank God. I was fully prepared to yank Raegan out of the bathroom and drive to the hospital. “Shit, you had me worried, Rock. Is that normal?”

“According to the doctor it is. I won’t lie, I was scared shitless.”

“Damn. I’m glad she’s okay.”

“We’re going home and she’s on strict orders to rest for the rest of the day.”

“Yeah, good luck with that one.”

“Yeah, man, I know.” He laughed, knowing just as well as I did that Whitney was stubborn.

Raegan came walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and my heart almost stops. She didn’t stick around too long. The door to the bedroom shut and another minute later she emerged wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

“Everything okay?” she asked. “You look a little worried.”

“Howard called and said Whitney was in the hospital.” At Raegan’s panicked expression, I quickly add, “It’s okay, false alarm. She has to relax for the rest of the day.”

Raegan laughed. “Well, Howard will have fun with that.”

See, we all knew how Whitney was.

Raegan’s phone rang and she glares at the screen as she, steps into the room to answer it. I stepped across the room, keeping myself out of sight, and listened.

Giving up, unable to hear a word, I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple off the table. Before I can take a bite, she slides her arms around my waist and rests her head on my back.

“Will you come with me?” she asks.

She has no idea how relieved I am to hear those words, or how reassuring it is to know she’s giving this a chance.

Chapter 28


I agreed to meet with Nancy alone this first time. I knew she and Dad would never work out their problems—she’d been beaten by him the same way I was—but they were talking, which I suppose was a good thing. I drew in a deep breath and counted silently to myself, trying to calm down, then I went to find Garrett.

He agreed to come with me; there wasn’t a hint of hesitation in his voice. I’m so relieved; I probably would’ve begged if he’d said no. I need him with me.

I’m antsy the whole ride to Nancy’s. The fact that we passed Dad’s house didn’t even faze me. There was nothing that could be said or done to calm my nerves. I wanted to run, and I was questioning my decision. But for some reason, I’d always believed in second chances, and I wanted to do the right thing.

Garrett pulled up and I was relieved to not see Dad’s vehicle. She’d told me he wouldn’t be there but part of me believed they were tricking me. I startled when Garrett asked if I was all right.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” The words were such a lie, and he knew it. But he just squeezed my hand and listened. “Thank you for coming. You have no idea how much this means to me. I’m only talking to Nancy today. I can’t handle talking to Dad too.”

“Geez, babe.” He chuckled, nodding to my hand. Oops, guess I was squeezing a little harder than I needed to.

He pressed a kiss against my forehead, calming me. I needed that now, especially when I looked toward the door and Nancy stood waiting for us to come inside.

My grip loosened and then fell as I pulled Nancy in for a hug and introduced her to Garrett. She gave a very approving smile before inviting us inside. I sat on the same couch I sat on every time I came to see her. Where I told her about James and I breaking up. Where Nancy heard about the black eye I endured. This time, there were no tears to be shed and I felt I could breathe easier. She handed us each a glass of sweet tea. I took a sip quickly to quench my thirst. My throat was so dry from the stress of being here.

“Thank you for coming, Raegan, you have no idea how much this means to your father and I.” I took another deep breath, nodding. Garrett sat patiently as Nancy continued. “Your father called me a few weeks ago completely broken. I’ve never heard him sound like he did and I agreed to meet with him to talk. It took a lot of convincing on his part, it’s just not something I was willing to do. That’s why I understood why you avoided my phone calls. I would have avoided them too.”