late than never, I always say. So I take it you’re probably going to stay here tonight right? The offer still stands with Howard and I, just so you know.”

I pull her in for a hug, holding her there for a minute or two. “Thank you so much for everything, Whitney.”

Before I could get all emotional and teary-eyed, I open the bathroom door. As I walk out, I lock gazes with Garrett. His grin is infectious, my insides flutter as I make my way to the living room.

“You look beautiful, Raegan,” he whispers in my ear. I can’t help but blush, this is so unreal. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined someone like Garrett would want to look at me and accept me and all the baggage I come with.

Howard gave me a nod of approval as he grabbed Whitney’s hand. “We just wanted to check on you two, have fun on your date and stay out of trouble.”

“Bye guys, thank you.”

As they disappeared on the other side of the door, Garrett pressed his mouth against mine and I was more than willing to surrender.

He wouldn’t tell me where we were going but that was fine with me. He opened the truck door for me like a gentleman and shut it once I was settled in. Things have turned out better than I ever imagined they would. After losing James, I wasn’t sure I could ever love again. Even when he had clearly moved. From the time I met him, all I could see in my future was him, and at one time I looked forward to that. Now, I’m Garrett’s girlfriend. Garrett who didn’t used to date anyone at all wanted to date me.

He pulled up at a nice little Italian restaurant, and after hearing we had an hour wait ahead of us, we sat at the bar where he nursed a beer. The bartender offered me a glass of wine. I was hesitant, but after a small taste of white merlot, I accepted the glass. It’s not like I needed to loosen up with Garrett, but the wine helped. I laughed a little easier and it took the edge off our first date. It was a little surreal, but I wasn’t nervous.

“I hope I’m doing okay, I’ve never done this before.” I’ve never seen Garrett nervous since I’ve met him.

“You’re doing amazingly. The perfect gentleman.” And he was.

We talked about nothing really but everything all at once. I learned his favorite color is royal blue and his favorite comfort food is spaghetti. I admitted my favorite color was pink and he just gawked at me like he couldn’t believe it. I then swore I’d never tell him another thing about me again. He leaned over from his chair at the bar inches from my ear. I kept waiting for him to whisper something, but instead he nibbled on my ear lobe sending my body into a frenzy. What a damn tease.

I was hot, wanting him right there in the middle of the restaurant. We were brought back to earth when we were told our table was ready. I stuck my tongue out at him before stepping away from the bar. The food was amazing even though the wine pretty much filled me up. I broke a breadstick in half, offering part of it to Garrett. He grabbed it, keeping his hand on mine for a brief second. I was in Heaven.

My phone rang and I saw Nancy’s name pop up. I should answer but I don’t want to seem rude so I ignore it. I could call her tomorrow. I heard the voicemail notification go off and figured I could check it later. I expected Garrett to pry, but he didn’t.

Once the bill was paid, he drove us to Joe’s. The crowd was a little larger than normal; some 80s cover band was playing. We spotted Lance and made a beeline for him. He was busy trying to convince this girl he had superhuman powers. He was taking guesses at what color her panties were.

“Really, Lance, you haven’t perfected that yet? Shouldn’t you know most of these women are here commando?” I gestured to the crowd.

He grins eagerly as he looks me up and down. “Are you trying to tell me you’re commando right now, Raegan? That’s kinda hot.”

“Whoa there, Lance, back off my girlfriend.”

“Holy shit, tell me I heard you right.” Lance’s eyes bug out of his head as he soaks in the news. Even he was shocked by what his best friend just told him. “You said she’s your girlfriend?”

“She is.” Garrett’s face lights up just saying those two words.

“Never thought I’d see the day. All I have to say is, it’s about freaking time.” He pulled him in for a bro hug, and I announce I have to go pee. Lance mentioned something about going to scope the crowd for some ladies while Garrett told me to meet him at the bar when I was done.

Fighting the crowd to get to the bathroom was quite the chore. I noticed the blonde who’d groped Garrett and she sarcastically grins at me. I hate that you can never tell what a person is up to. I don’t think I’ve ever peed so fast in my life; I don’t trust that woman.

I made my way back to the bar to find her hanging on his arm trying to talk to him. He looked a little aggravated. I told myself I wouldn’t get angry. There was nothing to get angry about, but the more I stared at her from the back, the more I wanted to punch her. Before I could carry out the plan, I heard the five words that made my whole night: “I’m waiting for my girlfriend.”

I step up wearing a confident expression and lean in, giving him a long kiss on the lips. I hear her mumble something as she stomps away.

That’s right, I want to say, you heard him right, bitch.

“That was hot, babe,” Garrett says.

“Well, you’re mine, you’re finally mine. I love you and everyone needs to know that.” I’d shout it from the aloud just so these other women understand an ounce of the love I have for this man.

“I love you too. Keep talking to me like that, we may not be here long.” There was a hunger in his gaze as I tried to control myself at the bar.

I winked as I grabbed the shot he had sitting there in front of him and threw it back. I bit into the lime and grin seductively. “Maybe that’s the plan.” He just gawks at me in disbelief. “Oops, was that yours?”

He chuckles as he pulled me toward him, enveloping me in his strong arms. Just gazing into his eyes was enough to set me off, and I was on edge, ready to fall. The band took a small break giving the DJ a chance to take over. Lance was on the floor trying to do his best impersonation of the Dougie. My whole body shakes with laughter; this was definitely the highlight of the night. I fumbled for my phone to capture this rare moment, intending to hold it over his head for the rest of his life. When he gets married one day, I’ll be sure to play it at his reception, and then when he has kids I’ll definitely make sure his children see it.