Why the hell does everything have to be so damn complicated? According to what he said last night, there was nothing between us. Nothing had started. Now all of a sudden he wants me. I don’t know what to think, or what to do. This whole situation is beginning to seem like a game. We are both the pawns, unsure of what move to make next. But I’m tired of being a pawn in his game.

Chapter 14


Whitney’s giving advice as if she’s still fighting in the ring. And of course, Raegan practices with Lance. She still isn’t talking to me and when she looks at me, all I got was a provocative smirk but I know she doesn’t mean anything sexy by it. She was just trying to get me excited and it’s working.

I take my shirt off and walk over to the punching bags, trying to get some frustration out of the way. I know I fucked up last night. I should have never said any of those things to her but I was scared she was pulling away from me. This girl makes me some kind of crazy. One minute she has me wrapped around her finger, and when our lips touch, all I want is to make her feel good inside and out. The next minute, she has me throwing my hands in the air wondering what the hell is going on. She won’t talk about anything. Now that I think about it, I don’t even know why she’s here. I can’t get close enough to her to ask.

She blows me a kiss and I want to scream and punch the wall in, but instead I just glare at her. She knows I’m pissed and I hate that she’s enjoying it. I decide I’ll talk to her, and this time she’ll listen.

But she completely throws me off when she calls me her friend with benefits. If I could shoot flames out of my eyes I would. Now I’m more pissed than I was before. Yeah, it’s my fault she’s calling me that. Hell, I called us that last night but I didn’t mean it. I don’t just want her body, I want all of her.

She adjusts her ponytail and before I can try to talk again, she strikes up a conversation with Lance. He wouldn’t dare try anything with her. I know him better than that and he knows how I feel about her, but that doesn’t mean somebody else wouldn’t give it a shot. If someone touched her wrong, I’d kill them.

I jump in their conversation hoping to sway her, but it doesn’t work. Dammit, I want us to be something. We were headed in the right direction until I fucked up.

Lance screws everything up with his big mouth. Fuck this, I’m leaving. She doesn’t want to listen to me. Who knows, I may go out tonight and find some beauty in the bar, make her remember my name, make her scream it. But I can’t lie to myself: the only one I want is Raegan.

After making sure she knows I won’t give up, I drive away from Lou’s. On the way home I map out my game plan. I am not sitting home tonight. If Raegan is going out with Lance, I will be there. Watching. Waiting to make my move. I will have her whether it is tonight or some other night.

Walking into Joe’s, I scan the crowd looking for her or Lance. There are no signs of them, but I am willing to bet they show up. She wants to make me jealous and I’m here to burst her bubble. I want to be prepared with some sort of strategy but I have nothing.

The blonde from the other night flashes me a Hollywood smile. “Hey, your girlfriend not here tonight?”

She practically spit the word with as much disgust as she could muster.

I turn and meet the girl’s eyes and say coolly, “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

She eases up, taking a sip of her girlie cocktail. She looks easy, and there’s no doubt she’d be a decent distraction. By the end of the night, I prove my assumption correct.

Much later on, as I lay in my bed alone, I curse myself for taking the blonde in the back closet and bending her over the boxes.

It didn’t fix anything; it only made it worse.

Chapter 15


I swear to God, I’m scared I’m going to lose my shit. The leftovers from two days ago are totally unappetizing, but it’s all I can find in the house besides some Jell-O and saltine crackers. Dad hasn’t bought groceries in almost a week and all my money is going toward getting me the hell out of here. I know the police department pays better than that. Asshole.

Garrett’s watching, but he doesn’t say a word. I’m glad Howard is my trainer. He fully understands my situation; he saw potential in me the day we met, or at least that’s what he says. But sometimes I wish I hadn’t met Garrett. It’s a constant battle with him, and I just don’t have time for that.

Tonight, there’re a lot of people inside waiting to see some good fights. The arena is already packed with spectators. Air conditioning infused with sweat fills my nostrils as adrenaline courses through my veins in anticipation of the excitement. The lights are so bright I can barely make out the ring where I will soon be taking out all my anger and frustrations in hopes of earning a little more money to tuck away inside my shoebox. Not much more, that’s what I kept telling myself. Howard just finished helping me secure my gloves as I got ready for my fight. I have no idea who I’m up against which is what I find to be the most exciting. That’s part of the reason I’m so nervous. I just know I’ll be in the cage.

I’ve fought against a few of the women and so far, I’ve only lost one. Marley was one tough bitch and I admire her for that. Howard knew I wanted more and I was capable of handling more; shit, I practically knocked him on his ass when we were just practicing. And I know he came at me full force, he didn’t take it easy on me and treat me like some sort of princess. I’ve never fought against one of the guys, but I figure me of all people could take a hit from a man. After all, that’s what I get at home.

Blaize’s voice broke through my thoughts again when I heard my name over the speakers. “Tonight, we have our own Raegan Montgomery in the cage. I love seeing women kick ass. Can I get a hell yeah?”

The crowd erupts and a few even holler my name. I’ve become a bit of a favorite here. Blaize looks at the clipboard in front of him, excitement igniting in his eyes. Shit, he sees who I’m up against. Howard and I make our way closer to the ring so he can finish prepping me. When he finishes, he pulls me in for a quick hug.

“Good luck, Raegan. Just remember what we’ve practiced and keep your hands up. Don’t let the bastard get a shot in. You got this.”

“Don’t worry, Howard. She won’t know what hit her.”

The crowd suddenly gets quiet as Blaize sets the clipboard down and brings the microphone back to his mouth. My nerves take over shaking me to my core; I didn’t think that was possible. My gut twists as my palms begin to sweat inside the gloves. Gross. I know what’s next, I agreed to this; this isn’t my first fight. I’m already nervous to begin with before every match but slowly this is becoming reality. My reality.

“Okay, I’m super fucking stoked about this match up and I think you guys will be too,” Blaize calls out. “We have the best of the best going at it tonight and for once, I’m not sure who to place my money on. So without further bullshit, our Raegan Montgomery will be facing off against Stacy Harper. Fuck yeah, I can’t wait to see