“When do we question Hazel?” Newman asked.

“After we get our food and eat it,” Livingston said.

“Why eat first?” Newman said.

“I thought you were a regular cop before you became a marshal.”

“I was.”

“Then you know that you always eat first, in case you get another call and have to leave.”

Newman smiled and looked down at the table, nodding. “I can’t even argue. The food is good here. I didn’t know you were dating Pamela.”

“We both decided we were ready for people to know.”

“Well, congratulations.”

“Thank you and congratulations on the engagement.”

“You know all the local gossip now that you’re dating Pamela,” Newman said.

“More than I did before, but I had to swear not to use anything I overheard unless I run it by her first, or someone’s life is at stake.”

“Smart woman,” I said.

“She is,” Livingston said, smiling as if the fact that she was smart made him happy. Pretty is good, but pretty and smart are better.

“Frankie told me that the other marshals call Ted Forrester Death, and I heard you say you’re War,” Kaitlin said.

“Yeah,” I said, sipping my water and hoping the coffee got here soon. If I was going to have to answer twenty questions about myself, then I needed more caffeine.

Kaitlin turned to Olaf. “She said that Blake and Forrester were half of the Four Horsemen and that one of the others was Marshal Jeffries.”

“Yes,” he said, and sipped his water. Maybe he wanted something stronger, too.

“It’s you and Marshal Spotted-Horse. I would not forget such a great name, but I can’t remember which of the horsemen you are.”

“He’s Plague,” Newman said.

“Why are the four of you named the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?” Livingston asked.

“Doesn’t my Wiki page say?” I asked, and didn’t manage to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

“It’s mostly vampire stuff and your love life,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “Friends told me to stop looking myself up online, especially with all the publicity about the wedding, so I don’t know what people are saying about me.”

“Probably best you don’t know,” Livingston said.

“So friends keep telling me,” I said.

“I promise not to look you up online anymore if you’ll answer my questions,” he said.

“Depends on the question, but sounds fair.”

“Why the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?”

Olaf answered, “The four of us have the highest kill counts.”