“Just like some men want to be a white knight for every damsel in distress they meet, because they believe they’ll be the one that can save them from their terrible lives. They will be strong enough to succeed where all the other boyfriends failed,” I said.

Olaf nodded. “The women take advantage of the men’s good intentions.”

“And men like Rico use the women they date,” I said.

Kaitlin came up behind us and said, “Amen to that.”

We turned to her. “I didn’t know you were one of his exes,” Newman said.

“It’s all right. He’s charmed most of the dating-age females in the county by now.” She grinned and shook her head, managing to look both embarrassed and genuinely amused.

“I’ve always believed that if someone was too good at charming me, he’d had a lot of practice, and when he got tired of me, he’d be just as charming to the next one,” I said.

“Well, you’re right about that.” Kaitlin frowned. “I’ve seen your Jean-Claude being interviewed on TV. He looks pretty darn charming.”

It was my turn to grin. “It was one of the reasons I refused to date him at first. He’d had six hundred years of practice at being a ladies’ man. He was so smooth that I instantly distrusted his motives.”

“You were right to distrust him,” Olaf said.

I frowned up at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You should distrust everyone.”

“Including you?” I asked.

He nodded, face solemn. “Everyone, Anita. Distrust them all.”

“Well, that’s a grim way of going through life,” Kaitlin said.

Olaf gazed down at her. “It is the truth.”

She shivered as she looked up at him, as if at some level she’d seen something to make her afraid. Good. Even though she wasn’t his type, I didn’t really want any women too close to Olaf. His idea of fun was just too frightening.

“I think there are people you can trust,” Kaitlin said, but she looked away from him as she spoke.

“And that is why you dated Deputy Rico when you knew better,” he said.

“I guess so, but no regrets. It was totally worth it.”

“Why?” Newman asked.

Kaitlin grinned. “The sex was great.”

That made me laugh out loud. Newman frowned, looking angry, and Olaf just looked neutral. Ordinary sex really didn’t move him much.

“Great but not great enough,” I said, still laughing.

“The sex was like the dating,” Kaitlin said. “He had a few great moves that swept you off your feet, but once you’d seen all the tricks, he didn’t have anything to back it up.”

“A lot of serial daters are like that,” I said.

“Serial daters—what are those?” Newman asked.

“It’s like serial monogamy, except you don’t marry them.”

“I’ve never heard of serial monogamy either,” he said.

I think it surprised us all when Olaf answered, “The ones who marry and divorce repeatedly.”