“So we’ll shadow you, just in case.”

A compact car turned into the parking lot; there was a dark-haired woman driving it.

“I think the dancer we need to talk to just drove up.”

“We’ll park and wait for you to let us know you’re done talking police business,” Nicky said.

“You’d be even less happy if you lost control of the ardeur and fed on Newman or Deputy Rico or one of the state cops,” Ethan said.

“You’ve made your point,” I said.

“Will you let us follow you?” Ethan asked.

“I’ll take the snacks for later,” I said.

“If you won’t let us shadow you, then feed the ardeur off of one of us before you meet back up with Leduc,” Nicky said.

“Absolutely not,” I said.

“It would make the ardeur safe for at least four hours guaranteed.”

“I cannot do quickies in the parking lot while I’m out with other cops.”

“Newman is the only one with you, right?” Nicky asked.

“Yes, but—”

“He saw what happened in the strip club, Anita. I think he’ll be okay with it.”

“He won’t be okay with me grabbing a quickie in the parking lot while we’re fighting the clock for Bobby Marchand’s life.”

“Then we follow you,” Nicky said as if the matter was settled.

“I haven’t agreed to that, but the dancer that was with Jocelyn is here. Got to go question her.”

“Try not to touch this one as much,” Ethan said.

“You’re afraid I’ll lose control again?” I said.

“Aren’t you?”

I didn’t know what to say because I was worried. I didn’t understand why the ardeur had risen in the club. I didn’t know how I’d captured the dancer with my gaze like I was a real vampire and not one who fed off of energy, sexual or otherwise.

“Yeah, I’m worried, but I still have to go question the dancer. She’s wearing street clothes and no makeup. She won’t be sitting in my lap like the last one.”

“You let a strange stripper sit in your lap? Wow, you are off your game,” Ethan said with an incredulous tone in his voice.

Nicky would have sounded angrier, and he would have pissed me off. Ethan’s amazement scared me a little.

I waved to get Newman’s attention and pointed at the woman, who was still sitting in her car. He nodded and started walking toward the car.

“I won’t let this one sit on my lap. Promise. But I’ve got to go help Newman question her.” I started walking toward the car so I’d meet him partway.

“Feed on one of us when we get there,” Nicky said.

“I have to question a witness, not take a booty call.”

“Feed on one of us when you’re done questioning the witness.”