Newman said, “Who is it?”

“It’s Nicky,” I said.

“Is Newman with you?” Nicky asked.


“I can feel that you’re still hungry, Anita.”

I swallowed and said, “I’m eating solid food as we speak.”

“Did you almost feed on Newman? Is that why you were able to stop?”

I looked at Newman and almost choked on the French fry. “No, that’s not what happened.”

Newman leaned down and whispered, as if there was anyone in the nearly empty parking lot to hear us, “Can Nicky help you with whatever just happened in the club?”

“If you tell me exactly what happened, maybe,” Nicky said over the phone, because of course he’d heard.

“Maybe,” I said.

“Then talk to him while we wait for Giselle to get here,” Newman said. “We still have to question her.”

I nodded at Newman and walked across the parking lot to get a little privacy for the talk. Newman didn’t need to know any more of my metaphysical secrets than he’d just learned inside the club. Of course, since I wasn’t sure exactly what had just happened, secrets might not have been the right word. I told Nicky everything as I walked. I was hoping for some insight before we had to question the next witness.

“I’m putting you on speaker so Ethan can hear,” Nicky said, and then I heard the change in the sound on his end. I could also hear other things a lot more clearly.

“Are you in a car?” I asked.

“We’re headed your way.”

“You heard the sheriff, Nicky. None of you can be involved in the investigation.”

“I know. We’re just supposed to help keep Bobby from shifting. Angel is babysitting him.”

“Who’s with her?”

My gut tightened at the thought of her being there without Nicky when Olaf came back. I didn’t actually believe he’d kidnap her for nefarious purposes in front of the local cops, but there was part of me that was scared for the other women. Part of it was knowing Olaf, and part of it was that Angel and Pierette were making themselves bait to take the heat off me. I didn’t want them to get hurt protecting me.

“Everyone but Ethan and me. She’s covered, and so is Pierette.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

Ethan’s voice: “You really are that frightened for both of them?”

“I guess I am.”

“They’re covered,” Nicky said.

“We need to worry about you right now,” Ethan said.

“I’m okay now,” I said.

“We’ll meet you at the strip club,” Nicky said.

“How do you know which one we’re at?”

“You know we have an app that connects our phones’ GPS, right?” he said.