“She’s in this, Commander. Inadvertently or deliberately, but she’s in this. I don’t believe we acted inappropriately given the circumstances and the hostility of this individual. If you disagree, well, you’re the boss.”

Whitney took a moment. “Well played. All around.”

“Thank you, sir. We’ve just completed an interview with Miguel Rodriges. He attended Gold when Grange was headmaster there, and graduated under Headmaster Rufty. During Grange’s tenure he was bullied, threatened, and assaulted to the point of hospitalization. Grange was aware of this, did nothing. I believe she was also aware of the identities of the assailants. Stephen Whitt and Marshall Cosner.”

She laid out her theory, compactly, and Whitney leaned back in his chair again as he listened.

“You believe these men held on to grudges since high school, and now acting on them have killed twice?”

“And will again. I believe Whitt’s father had an affair with Grange and that, at least in part, led to divorce. Whitt was separated from his friends, his girlfriend, was shifted out of his pecking order. Now that girlfriend is engaged to a wealthy and successful man whose mother is a contender for president. She states she’s had no contact with him, and I believe her. Cosner, the only friend he’s held on to, is an addict, is weak. A follower.”

“Why not target Grange?”

“It was Rufty who changed the map for him. I suspect her relationship with his father continued. They may still be involved. It’s likely she blocked for Whitt during his time at the prep school. They ruined his life, took away what he wanted most. Now he’s doing the same to them, those he sees as responsible.”

“The timing and locations of the drops are good circumstantial.”

“But we need more,” Eve finished. “We’ll get it. Cosner is the weak spot. We’ll put more pressure on him. I want to bring him in. He didn’t call lawyer the first round, and that might be because he didn’t want word to get to his family he had trouble. He’ll likely lawyer up the second round. But he’ll break.”

“Make it happen,” Whitney ordered. “I don’t want another spouse on a slab.”

“Yes, sir.”

As they started out, Whitney called to Peabody. “Detective?”

“Yes, sir.”

“That was a good line about the boot. Best use it sparingly.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And be glad he didn’t use his to kick your ass,” Eve added when they headed for the glides.

“Believe me, I am.”

“While you’re glad, contact Cosner’s firm. Go through reception, ask for Lowell Cosner.”

“The father.”

“Yeah, oops. If you get the father, identify yourself, remind him you spoke earlier about the homicide investigation. Realize your mistake, apologize. You misread your notes, and are trying to contact Marshall Cosner.”

“So we make sure that word gets up the chain.”

“Yeah. Try to arrange for Cosner to come in tomorrow for a follow-up interview.”

“And if he balks?”

“We’ll speak to his attorney, blah blah. Do the drill. Get the PA on board, and let’s turn up the heat on the weak link. And one more. Let Morris know I’m heading over. If he can’t be there, maybe he could have somebody else give me the rundown.”


Morris made time, of course. Though she’d have done the same for him, Eve still appreciated it.

When she walked in, his music sounded like sunshine as he methodically stitched up a Y-cut on a corpse.

“Nearly done here,” he said without looking up.

“Take your time. I appr