Now she had to call him on the past. “Don’t you remember what it was like to have nothing? To be so desperate that you’d do nearly anything? Because I do.” She’d been desperate enough to take any risk before.

And she’d paid the price for those risks. Her chill was getting worse. “Just how long have you been controlling my life?”

“I’m not—”

“When you called me a few weeks ago and told me that my sister was in danger, I wondered how you’d gotten my number so easily. But I mean, since I was your employee, that was probably easy enough for you to swing, right? You’ve had total control over me, and I didn’t even know it.”

A furrow appeared between his brows. “I owe you,” he said, his voice deep and intense, “more than I can ever repay. Is it so wrong that when I got a little money, I wanted to help you? This company was going under. I bought it, pumped some capital in…and I saved your job and the job of every person here.”


“With my background,” his laughter was gruff, “trust me, I could use a PR firm of my own. Over the years, I’ve learned plenty about the value of spin.”

Her temples were throbbing. “I don’t understand any of this…I just—”

“You didn’t pack a bag.”

She blinked at the abrupt change in topic. “No.”

“And you got up this morning and came to work, as if nothing at all had happened.”

“You’re what has happened to me.”

He sucked in a deep breath. “I know.”


Again, that half-smile curved his lips. “But I guess everyone has to have a weakness, right? Even the villains?” Then his knuckles brushed over her cheek. “You’re mine. I let others know that, and now we’re both in trouble.”


“I did a lot of thinking after I left you last night. You want to stay here. You want this city. This life. Fine.” His hand lingered against her cheek. “But until I’m sure you’re safe, you’re going to have it with me. That’s why I made the big reveal at this office today. Why I had to show myself here. Until the danger is past, I’ll be here with you. We’ll be working together.”

Her stomach did a somersault.

“And when it’s safe…” His smile slipped. “I can walk away again, if that’s what you really want.”

What she— “Sometimes, I think you’re crazy.”

“Of course, I am.” His immediate response. “Crazy and very bad for you.”

She inched closer to him. “Then why do I feel this way?” She hated it. Loved it. Most of the time, Carly was sure she was walking around in some kind of weird half-life state. Other men didn’t make her react this way. Other men just left her cold. But Ethan…

Always, Ethan.

“I want to do right by you,” Ethan said, voice soft. “You want to stay here…” His jaw hardened. “Then I am going to stay at your side. I’ll make sure any threat that comes your way is eliminated.”

“And the FBI?”

“I’ll handle them. They’ve been dodging my steps for years. At this point, I know just how they work.” His hand started to drop. Her fingers rose and caught his, holding his hand in place. After not wanting to touch anyone else for so long, she almost felt desperate for his touch.

Wrong. Carly knew that the way she felt for him was wrong on a dozen levels.

So what?

“You just have to trust me,” Ethan told her. “I’ll get you through the storm that’s coming.”

There was no reason to trust him. He’d deceived her already. She wouldn’t be a fool. Wouldn’t blindly give in to him.


Her choices were limited. He owned the business, her home, and in this murky world of danger that she found herself in, Carly knew that Ethan understood the risks far more than she did.

So maybe she wouldn’t trust him. Maybe she’d use him to get through the darkness heading toward her.

And then she’d figure out just what the hell she needed to do with her life.

Run far and fast from Ethan?

Or stay close.

Carly cleared her throat and tried to get back to some actual business. If it was business. “Is the Reflections’ campaign even a real thing?”

“Very real.” His head bent toward her. “It’s a new club I want to open in New York, and you’re the PR agent in charge. That is…if you still want to work here. If you don’t want to throw the job in my face and walk away.”

“I want to walk,” she told him. Did she? Really? Carly wasn’t even certain. “But I can’t. So tell me about this job…” She let his hand go. She tried to focus on business and not on the way he made her feel.

Ethan…he knew all her secret shames. All of her pains and her needs.

And Ethan…he was the one man she shouldn’t let get close to her.

So why was he the one she wanted most?


It had worked. At six o’clock that evening, Ethan watched the city below him. Most people were heading out—it was the weekend, after all. Time for them to get loose and wild. Or maybe just time to relax.

Carly hadn’t left yet. She’d stayed at the office all day, working hard on plans for Reflections. Before his big reveal to her, he’d wondered if she’d run the instant she saw him. He’d been prepared to chase her. But she hadn’t run.

She hadn’t slapped him, either. Another win.

She’d just stood there, so heart-breakingly beautiful, and she’d nearly gutted him, just with a look.

Hurt. Betrayal. Everything he did was to protect her, but Carly didn’t see that. She just saw pain. She saw him.

Maybe that was all he was to her. Pain.

Maybe he should have stayed a memory for her, nothing more but—

A knock sounded at his door. “Come in,” he called, without glancing back. He figured it was his assistant, coming in with a last check of the day.

But when the door creaked open, the faintest sweet scent drifted to him. Her scent. His eyes closed for a second, and his hands fisted in front of him.

Don’t hurt her again. Whatever the hell you do, don’t hurt her.

“So…” Her voice reached him easily. “What’s supposed to happen now? Are you going to be my shadow all weekend? From this threat that I don’t actually see coming?”

He turned to face her.

“I don’t know how you intend for this to work.” She stood in his doorway, looking uncertain and far too lovely.

Don’t fuck up. Don’t.

“Just who is it that you think will be coming after me?”

“Quincy Atkins had a brother. One who didn’t exactly take it well when the guy vanished.” He saw her shoulders tense. “Unfortunately, I learned that Daniel Duvato was trying to contact that guy…shortly before Daniel’s rather well-deserved death.”

“You think the brother will come after me?”

“I think I want you safe, and I don’t want to take chances.”

She seemed to absorb that.

“As for this weekend…I thought you might want to come with me and see Reflections. I mean, it is your project. So getting a first-hand look at the place should benefit you.” He tried to sound casual. Not like he was offering her a date. That would be sleazy, all things considered.

Right? Or would she be open to—

She looked down at her watch. “I-I have an…appointment first. But then I’d love to see the place.”

What kind of appointment? He bit back the question.

Her gaze slid toward him. “Don’t worry. I’m not meeting with the FBI.”

“Never said you were,” he murmured.

“Don’t lie,” she chided him. “Special Agent Monroe called me twice today, and I refused to talk to him both times.” She sighed softly. “The guy is going to keep dodging my steps.”

He’d have to deal with Monroe.

“I’m not ready to talk with him.” She firmed her should

ers. “But I do have another meeting that can’t be delayed.”

A meeting? Or a date?

“I’ll have my driver take you over.” After her attack this morning, the last thing he wanted was for her to be out alone.

“Thank you,” Carly said. “I’d…appreciate that.”

Shock rolled through him.

“What?” Carly asked, tilting her head to the side so her hair slid over her shoulder. “Did you think I wouldn’t appreciate a ride? Seriously, Ethan, my day has sucked. Getting a ride in a fancy car isn’t something I’m going to argue about.”

Great. Then maybe she wouldn’t argue when she realized he was going with her.

He grabbed his briefcase and headed for the door. He wanted to take her hand, but he controlled that impulse. For her, he would try and act the gentleman.