“Enough,” Devlin growled.

No, she didn’t think it was nearly enough. Not for her and not for him. But she found herself tumbling back on the bed as he loomed over her.

His hands went to her feet. There were soft thuds as her shoes hit the floor. She ditched her shirt and shoved down her jeans, but he was there to help, tugging the jeans—and her panties—out of the way.

She still wore her bra. Maybe she should get rid of it. Maybe she should—

“You want to be fair, don’t you, baby?” Devlin asked.

Her racing heartbeat seemed to shake her chest.

“I know you do…so I get my taste, too.”

He pulled her to the edge of the bed, bent, and put his mouth on her. Her teeth sank into her lower lip because it was either bite that lip or let go and scream. What he was doing to her felt so insanely good. He knew just how to touch and lick and stroke and she was about to climax already—

He pulled away. She heard him fumble with a nightstand drawer and then Devlin came back to her. Her hands slid over his back as she yanked him closer. She’d been too near the edge and now she was frantic for him.


He lifted her, holding her easily, and he put her on top of him. Her knees pressed into the bedding on either side of his hips and his cock brushed against the entrance of her sex. She was wet already—both from her arousal and his mouth and when Julianna arched down against him, his cock slid deep into her with one hard, hot glide. She moaned at the sensual sensation, not even trying to hold back her cry.

“You are so fucking sexy,” Devlin said.

He made her feel sexy.

They were in the middle of the bed, and his hands were tight around her hips as he lifted her up and down. She moved faster and faster, driven to find her release. Her breath choked out, her heart raced, and she clamped her muscles tightly around him. He was so thick and full within her, and her climax was coming, she could feel it drawing closer and closer.

Her hands flew out and curved around the headboard. Using that grip, she moved harder, took him in deeper with the wild thrust of her hips.

“Yes,” Devlin said. “Hell, yes.” And his right hand rose to shove her bra out of the way. His fingers stroked over her nipples, tugging, and a bolt of sensation seemed to shoot straight from her nipples to her sex.

She pushed down on him, rose up, drove down again. She needed to come. She was so close, that release tempting her—

His upper body reared up and his mouth closed around one breast. He sucked her nipple, a strong, hard pull, even as his hips surged against her again. She went over the edge, and Julianna cried out. She yelled her pleasure, she shook…she felt like she damn well quaked as that release rolled through her whole body.

“Fucking sexy…” Devlin’s voice roughened even more. “I can feel you squeezing me.”

She could barely breathe, much less manage any kind of speech back to him.

But Devlin wasn’t done. He held his body still as her climax rocked through her, but then he said, “Now we finish,” before he switched their positions in a flash, securing her beneath him. He lifted her legs, putting them over his shoulders so that she was open even more to him. He thrust into her, driving into her core, and she shouldn’t have felt another burst of pleasure.

But she did.

He thrust into her, moving in a fast and frantic rhythm, and all she could do was feel. Hold on tight in that wild ride and let the pleasure soar through her. It was as if her climax had never ended—maybe it hadn’t. Maybe—

He shuddered against her. Devlin kissed her deep and hard and she could feel his cock jerking inside of her with the force of his release. His grip was tight, but not painful. He was holding onto her as if he never wanted to let her go. And she could taste the pleasure in his kiss. That heady euphoria. The rush she didn’t want to end.

Julianna wished that she could see his face. She remembered what he’d looked like before, back at the house, when his blue gaze had gone blind with pleasure. The sight had taken her breath.

No, he’d done that.

Very slowly, he withdrew from her. She didn’t move. Julianna was pretty sure she never wanted to move again.

A few moments later, he was back. Gently, he smoothed a warm cloth over spots that were starting to feel a wee bit achy, in a good way. When he started to rise again, Julianna caught his hand. She should be careful now. The hard desire had been satisfied. They should both go their separate ways. They should—

He climbed back into the bed with her.

His arms slid around her as he pulled her against him, cradling her.

Julianna didn’t speak. Neither did he.

Screw what they should do. Julianna’s eyes began to close. For that night, she’d stay with him.

Chapter Ten

“Drink your wine.”

She had a wine glass in her hand. Julianna was back at home—Jeremy’s home. She stared down at that wine, then up at Jeremy’s handsome face. Who knew evil could look like a GQ ad? She did, now. “I’m leaving.” Her fingers curled around the stem of the wine glass.

A smirk twisted his lips. “Leave…and your darling little sister will get her ass thrown in jail.”

Julianna shook her head. “I won’t let you do that.” Not to Carly

. She’d protect her sister. There had to be another way. Ethan had said they’d find a way. That he would help her.

Jeremy laughed at her. “Let’s see you try and stop me.”

She drank that wine. Not because he told her to do it. Not because she liked it. But because she needed a little liquid strength. “No.” Her voice was firm. “Let’s see you try and stop me.” Because she was done letting him control her. Done with the pain and the horror and the shame that rolled through her. She’d mistaken a monster for a man. But the time for regrets was long gone. “I’m leaving you. My bags are packed and I—”

Jeremy was laughing again. She hated the sound of his laughter. So self-assured. So arrogant. “Oh, sweetness. You’re not going any place. Soon, you’re not even going to be able to stand, much less leave me.”

Another threat. When would he see that she was serious?

She turned from him and headed for the door. Only the door seemed so far away.

His arm wrapped around her neck, jerking her back against him. “You think I’d let you publicly humiliate me like that?”

Her glass fell to the floor.

“I don’t even know what the fuck it is about you…” His breath blew against her cheek. “Obsessed. Fucking obsessed. There’s one way to deal with an obsession.” Then he yanked her around to face him.

Only…his face was blurry. It shouldn’t have been. Not with only one glass of wine.

He kissed her. Hard. Rough. She could taste blood and knew that he’d busted her lip. She tried to push against him, but it seemed to take so much energy just to lift her hands.

“Stop fighting.”

She felt the sharp edge of a knife under her chin.

“Should’ve worked faster…I gave you more than enough to take you down…”

Enough what? And why couldn’t she see him clearly?

“I am fucking obsessed with you, and that’s a weakness. I won’t allow for any more weaknesses.”

She didn’t dare move, not with the knife so close.

“It’s time for you to understand who’s in charge here, sweetness. I have the power. Me. Not you.”

Anger burned through her, pushing back some of that strange numbness that she felt sliding through her limbs.