“Jesus.” It took longer than it should have for her to pull her hands out of her pockets and nudge him back. “I can’t play lock the lips with you now.”

“Quiet.” He took her arms, and the look on his face, so strong, so serious, had her going still. “I value my skin—a very great deal. I’ll do what it takes to protect it. I’ll do more yet, I promise you, to protect it so that you’re not distracted from this with worry for me. I love you, Eve. I’ll keep safe because I love you.”

“I shouldn’t have hung that on you. I—”

“Quiet,” he repeated. “I’m not finished. You’ll keep yourself as safe as you can. You’re courageous, but not reckless. I know. Just as I know there are risks you’ll take, risks you’ll feel duty-bound to take. Don’t keep them from me. When you find a way to use yourself as bait on this, I want to know about it.”

He knew her, she thought. Knew her, understood her, accepted and loved anyway. You couldn’t ask for more. “I wouldn’t do anything like that without telling you.” When his gaze stayed steady, she shrugged. “I’d think about doing it without telling you, but then I’d cave. I’m not doing anything on that angle until I’m dead sure they won’t get me. Because if they get me, they’ve got a better chance of getting her. And because I love you, too: I get sure, decide to try something, I’ll tell you first.”

“Good enough, then. I didn’t ask before, and I know you’re pressed now, but were you able to speak to the Dysons about Nixie?”

“To her. He was out of it. She’s not in much better shape. I’m going to give them another couple days. I know it’s inconvenient, but—”

“It’s not. I just assume that she’d feel steadier if she had those familiar faces, if she were able to have her friend’s parents with her.” He considered telling her what he’d dug up regarding Nixie’s remaining family, then let it go. She had enough on her plate. And for reasons he couldn’t explain, even to himself, he wanted to handle that part of it. “Summerset told me basically what Trueheart told you. She holds up, she breaks down, and holds up again. She’s grieving, and there’s no one here who can grieve with her, who knew her family.”

“I’ll talk to Mira about it. Maybe she can speak to the Dysons. Might be better coming from her than me.”

“Maybe. I’ll go join the EDD boys and leave you to your commander. Grab a nutribar at least with the next gallon of coffee you drink.”

“Nag, nag, nag,” she said as he walked out the door. But she got the nutribar out of her desk drawer.


AFTER MIRA AND HER SECURITY ESCORT WERE cleared through the gates, Eve met her at the door. Since she had the extra men, she ordered security to do a patrol around the grounds, with electronic sweep.

“You’re being very cautious,” Mira commented. “Do you really expect them to try an

invasion on this house?”

“Newman doesn’t know where I took the kid, so trying a hit here isn’t the next logical step.” She swept a glance down the hall. Trueheart had Nixie in the game room, but that didn’t mean the kid couldn’t come wandering out. “Why don’t we step outside for a minute?”

Eve led the way through the parlor and the doors to the side terrace. She had a momentary pause when she saw a little silver droid, a low, shiny box, busily sucking up fallen leaves. “Huh, how about that.” At her voice, it glided off the terrace and slid down one of the paths into the garden. “Wonder what it does with them once it sucks them up.”

“I think it chops them into a kind of mulch, or compost. Dennis talks about getting something like it, then doesn’t. I think he secretly enjoys raking the leaves by hand.”

Eve thought of Mira’s kind-eyed, absentminded husband. “Why?”

“Mindless work that gets him outdoors. Of course, if we had grounds this extensive to deal with, it’d be a different story. It’s lovely out here, isn’t it, even so late in the year with so much of the gardens fading away toward winter.”

Eve looked over the gardens, through the ornamental and shade trees, past arbors and fountains to the thick stone walls. “Lot of ways in, lot of ways out, but as secure as it gets.”

“And still your home. That makes it difficult.”

“I made the call. Look, it’s cooler out here than I thought. You okay for a minute?”

“I’m fine.” Mira wore a jacket, and Eve was currently in shirtsleeves. “It must be inconvenient, having so many people in your home.”

“Place is starting to smell like Central. Anyway, if they click on the idea Nixie’s here, they might see it as a challenge, get revved at the idea. The bigger the mission, the bigger the payoff.”

“But you don’t think they know Nixie’s here.”

“I think your average CPS rep would spill data out like a gushing pipe under torture. And I wouldn’t hold it against her. Best I can speculate, she doesn’t know the witness is here, but knows I took her and bypassed regs. They could put it together. I would.”

“Taking a civilian witness into your personal residence isn’t usual, or even standard procedure. But yes, they might put it together. And you also assume that under extreme duress, I would also gush like a broken pipe.”

“It’s not a reflection on your standards or your integrity.”

“No.” Mira brushed back a wave of hair the breeze blew across her cheek. “And I don’t take it as such. I imagine you’re right. While I’d like to think I’d suffer torture and painful death to protect another, it’s much more likely I’d succumb. So you have me and my home under surveillance and security. Sensible of you, and I apologize for objecting.”