“I don’t know how long. A lot going on. If I can’t close it down tonight, I’m still going to need Mavis and Trina tomorrow. Maybe you should lock them in a room.”

“Not to worry. I suspect they’ll pass out soon enough.”

“There’s that. Hold on.” She turned to McNab. “What?”

“Got an address, but it’s bogus.”

“What do you mean, bogus?”

“I mean the address listed for Lucias Dunwood is the Fun House, Time’s Square. I know because I spend a lot of time there. It’s a big e-amusement center. No residences on premises.”

“He likes to play games,” she replied. “Give me some room here.” She stepped away until she was out of earshot. “Listen—”

“You’d like me to find Dunwood’s actual address.”

“McNamara would’ve had it. I’m not going to be able to access his files from here because the primary on this is playing big stud dog with the investigation.”

“I see.” Roarke was already moving away from the music.

“I could call Whitney and get clearance, but that’s messy. Plus, it makes me feel like a tattlettale or something.”


“I could tag Feeney, and he’d wangle authorization through EDD, but I’ve already gotten one person out of bed tonight.” She glanced back at McNab. “Maybe more.”

“And I’m already up.”

“Yeah. Technically . . . well, just skimming the technicalities, I’m authorized to access some data because he’s a suspect. Whether this data includes his address files or personal data is debatable, but I’d have clearance for it in the morning anyway so . . .”

“Why wait? Would you like that address now, or would you like to keep rationalizing a bit longer?”

She blew out a breath, noting that he’d gone up to his office while she’d been talking. “I’ll just take the address.”

He gave it to her. “Oh, Lieutenant? Since that’s only a few blocks from here, perhaps you’ll make it home while I still have my sanity.”

“I’ll do my best. Guess I owe you one, too.”

“Be sure I’ll collect.”

She broke transmission, signalled McNab. “Get Peabody. We’re moving.”

She was nearly to her vehicle when she saw Nadine, leaning on the hood and examining her nails.

“That’s city property you’re resting your ass on.”

“Why do they go out of their way to make official vehicles so ugly?”

“I don’t

know, but I’m taking it up with my Congressman first chance I get.”

“Rumor is you and Detective Renfrew got into a little power tussle.”

“Rumors are your department.”

“Then you wouldn’t be interested that rumor continues that he’s a jerk and you cut him down bloodlessly.” Nadine tossed her streaky blonde hair. “But you may be interested in a deduction, since deductions are your department. I deduce that Dr. Theodore McNamara plays into the sexual homicides you’re investigating, that robbery had nothing to do with his ending up in the river, and that you have a very good idea who bashed him about the head and face earlier this evening. And whoever that may be has a starring role in your homicides.”

“That’s a lot of deducing, Nadine.”