“Das vadanya,” I say before I raise my boot and bring it down hard on his mouth.



“I’m fine really,” I tell Curt for the millionth time. Three doctors at the hospital have told him this as well. Each have given the all-clear for me to go home, but it’s him pressing that maybe I should stay overnight. Never in all my life has anyone been so worried over me. If I wasn’t already madly in love with him, I’d be done for.

“There’s already a bruise forming.”

He’s got his hand inside the back of the hospital gown I’d put on when I first got here. His warm palm goes over the spot I'd hit on the bathroom counter. It isn’t bothering me, and I’d forgotten about it until Curt made me recount everything that happened. Then he made me promise to not leave out any details. I’d done so hoping it would put him at ease, and I think in some ways it did.

“I assure you, Mr. Adler, it’s only superficial. We’ve done scans and x-rays, and she’s fine. It will look far worse than it actually is. She’s a lucky girl,” Dr. Nora says, but she has no idea how lucky I truly am. “Plus, I’m sure your bed at home is better than a hospital bed.”

“It is,” I’m quick to add. “It’s the best I’ve ever slept in.” I lean into Curt’s touch. “I want to go home.” I run my hand up his chest, and he looks down at me. “Please,” I push. If anything, I’m worried about him. He shot a man today, not to mention the kick to the face he gave Boris. I’ll never forget that sound.

It really should have grossed me out, but it didn’t. I’d felt a barrage of emotions at the time, but the first was the feeling of being safe. It was nearly overwhelming to come to the realization that Curt would always protect me. No matter what, he would always come for me, and that is something I’ve never had before. I had no idea how much I needed that until it overwhelmed me with relief. I’d felt lighter and loved, which was all new to me.

As scary as all of it was, the silver lining is the fact that the Shapoval family is done for. They can’t hurt innocent girls any longer. The only good thing those men ever did was lead Curt and me to each other.

“All right, I’ll take you home.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

“I’ll get everything together, and if you need anything you can call me, day or night.” She pulls out a card and gives it to Curt. “Thank you for the generous donation as well. You didn’t have to do that, but the hospital will put it to good use.”

“Donation?” I ask when she leaves the room. “Really? I only hit my back.”

“Money well spent. This hospital is the closest to our home.” Warmth blooms in my chest when it calls it our home. “I’m sure it will come in handy in the future too.” He shrugs it off and grabs a bag someone brought up so I could change into clean clothes.

“I don’t have plans of getting kidnapped in the future. I swear,” I tease, trying to get him to lighten up. He lifts me off the bed and helps me to my feet before he pulls the gown off me.

“Babies,” he says far too easily as his hand brushes my stomach and he pulls a sweater down over my head.

“Babies?” I whisper in shock. Did I hear him right?

“It’s only a matter of time.” He shrugs again and acts like he’s talking about the weather or something that’s no big deal. “Brace your hands on me.” He drops to his knees in front of me, and I put my hands on his shoulder while I step into the black leggings. He pauses when his hands get to my sex.

“Curt.” I can’t help the small moan that comes from me. His face is right there. I push my hips forward absently. My body needs what only he can do to it. He pushes my sweater up and kisses the lips of my sex. His tongue slips out, stealing a taste, and a growl leaves him. He yanks my leggings the rest of the way up to hide the temptation, and I pout.

“I’ll take care of you when we get home,” he promises as he puts my socks and shoes on next.

“I love when you take care of me,” I say, meaning it in more ways than one.

Before today I wouldn’t have said that out loud, scared I was being too clingy and not wanting to overwhelm him or give him reasons to think I’m too much to deal with. I’m not going to hold back what I want to say anymore. You never know what each day might bring, and I don’t want to have regrets like I had today, things left unspoken that I wished I’d said.