“In case he doesn’t come through. I want to know what we have.”

“All right.” Ivan pulls his phone out. “She’s not a virgin.”

“Do what you’re told,” Igor snaps at him. “Don’t make me come back in here,” he warns before he steps back out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

“I’m so sorry.”

Gracie ignores my apology. “Are you okay?” She drops to her knees beside me.

“I’m fine. He knocked the wind out of me more than anything.”

“Our men will come.” Gracie slips in next to me to lean against the sink counter.

“Your phone, is that how he would have tracked you?” I ask. I know Curt will come for me and pay or do whatever it is they are asking for. I have faith in that. I was only hoping that if Gracie’s husband is looking too, maybe they’ll find us sooner, and the Shapovals won’t see it coming.

“Nah.” She reaches inside of her shirt and pulls out a locket, showing it to me before she quickly puts it back under her shirt. “My husband is a retired FBI agent.”

Oh shit.

“Between yours and mine, these men are already on borrowed time.” She smirks.

I pray she is right.



We’re in a large SUV with eight of us packed in, and you can practically snap the tension in half. They all arrived at the house within a matter of minutes of me getting the call, and I jumped in. A man named Donovan, who looks like was on the wrong end of the fight, is leading the recovery plan.

“They’ve stopped here.” He touches the map on the screen in front of him and checks the tablet in his hand. “Her tracker is still on, so they haven’t found it yet. Her cell went out not long ago.”

“Tracker,” I hear Boone say. “That’s a smart idea.” He nods like that’s the first thing he’s doing when he gets home to Phoebe.

“Can this thing go any faster?” I look out the window, and panic feels like black ink crawling up my skin. I’m so close to losing it.

“I’ve got it on the floor,” Tidas says as his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

The rest of the SUV is packed with agents that are ready to jump into action. The whole ride has been tense, and all I can do is pray. The second I have Demi back in my arms, I’m going to tell her how much I love her. I’m going to marry her, put a baby in her, and damn it, I’m going to put a tracking device on her too.

“It’s just up ahead,” Donovan says. “Pull over here, and we’ll come in the back.”

“I know it’s not the time to make jokes, but that’s what she said,” Donovan says as he pulls over and behind the row of trees.

“Dumbass,” his brother hisses.

When we’re all out of the SUV, the agents suit up. Donovan looks at them and then at me. “Are you sure you want to do this? There’s no shame in hanging back.”

“If Demi is in there, then that’s where I’m going.” I take the gun he holds out to me, and he nods.

“All right, Tidas and Boone are staying with the vehicle.” Donovan nods to the men behind me. “We’re going in hot, safeties off.”

I check my gun and turn to my brother. “Be ready.”

He nods as he gives me a quick hug. “Be safe.” When he releases me, he looks into my eyes. “Get your girl and get the fuck out. Don’t be a hero.”

“She’s the only thing I’m after.”

“Let’s move,” Donovan says, and I see a glint in his eyes.

“How are you so calm?” I ask him as we circle through the woods.

The smile he gives me is chilling. “I was trained by the best on how to kill with my bare hands. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the practice.” He cracks his knuckles, and it’s then I notice he’s not holding a gun. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

In this moment, I realize that Donovan Combs is exactly the man you want on your side when going into a situation like this. His strength is giving me my own, and I’m ready to go in there and rip out someone’s throat.

“There.” Donovan crouches down, and we follow. He points to the back, and we see the light on.

“No blinds?” I look at the people walking around in the kitchen, and Donovan shakes his head.

“The house is empty; these dumbasses probably didn’t even check it first. This was a dump and dash plan from the start.”

“What do we do now? They’ll see us coming.”

“I’m going to the front to create a diversion. You four sneak in and get them. From the heat signals I’ve got, it looks like we’ve got two stationary bodies in the middle. Probably a closet or a bathroom.”