Last night, he told me that I was far too trusting with him, but I’m not so sure that’s true. I think it’s more that I’m willing to lock on to anything he gives me, not caring that he might break my heart in the end. I know that I may be pathetic, and it’s why I didn’t admit that to him.

But the truth is that the thought of him walking away right now is terrifying, so there is nothing to lose. He’ll think I’m crazy if I tell him I might already be in love with him. I still have this fear that this all will be ripped away from me, but with each second I spend with him, the more I believe he won’t let me go. So maybe he’s right, and in time I’ll have full trust.

“Curt,” I moan when he releases my mouth and starts to trail kisses along my neck where he’s left a small love bite already.

“I want you to go and have fun, but thinking about you being away from me has me wanting to mark you all over again.”

“You can mark me all you want.” I dig my fingers into his short hair.

“You need time to heal.” He gives my neck one last nip before he lifts his head and his eyes lock with mine.

“But I soaked in the tub and took the Advil,” I remind him.

“You tempt me, but I won’t cave on this. I’m not going to put you in more unnecessary pain. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.” My heart flutters every time he mentions taking care of me. It makes me fall even harder for him, and he has no idea how much I crave something like that. I need it. I know I’m an adult now, but I’ve been an adult when I shouldn’t have been one. I want to relish this while I have it.

“Fine,” I huff. If I want him to take care of me, then I need to let him.

“You not being near a bed and out in a shop will help me keep my hands off you. For now.” He leans in and brushes his mouth against mine.

“It doesn't look like you need a bed right now.” He gives my ass a squeeze before he puts me down on my feet.

“You’re right. I know I could have you anywhere, but if people are around, I’ll be good. No one sees you naked or hears you cumming but me.” There is a warning in his tone.

“Good, because I feel the same.”

“I’m all yours, angel,” he responds, giving me the best birthday gift ever.




Part of the reason I’m not more upset about Demi going into town with Phoebe is the amount of security they’re taking with them, and also that we’re meeting with the Feds here this afternoon to discuss what the plan is about the Shapovals.

Boone and I say goodbye to them, and soon after, a couple of dark SUVs are pulling in after them.

“Didn’t think we’d see you again so soon,” the agent says to Boone as they shake hands. “But I hear you’ve got something for me.”

“That’s where my brother Curt comes in,” Boone says and introduces us.

Once we’re inside, I go through the whole story about Sherman trying to buy Demi from the Shapovals and how they’ve put out a bid to find her. As he listens, he takes notes, and when I’m finished he nods.

“We’ve got Sherman in custody after Boone’s tip, so we’ll follow up with him first.” He sighs as he places his notepad on the table in front of him. “The problem is going to be getting them to come out in the open. From what I’ve heard, they’ve gone underground.”

“My source says there’s an open contract on Demi’s head. They want her back, and they’re willing to pay for it.”

“What does she have that they want so badly?” the agent asks, and I look over at Boone.

He casually puts his hand in front of his mouth and I know he’s trying to hide a smile.

“It doesn’t matter, she doesn't have it anymore,” I answer, trying to steer him away from that questions.

“Well, where is it? Maybe we can get it and use it to make a deal.”

“Yeah, Curt, where is it?” Boone asks, and I swear I see his eyes nearly water as he tries to keep from laughing.

“Fuck off,” I whisper under my breath at him.

He leans in so only I can hear him. “You know I’m pretty sure that’s how she lost it.”

“Is there someone we can send to look for it?” the agent asks innocently, and I scowl at Boone as he chuckles.

“No.” I grind my teeth as my brother's shoulders shake.

“We’ve got lots of resources at our disposal.” The agent looks at me hopefully. “Maybe you’re not comfortable finding it on your own.”