Page 9 of Almost a Family

She said it casually, but there was steel was beneath the question and she knew Kim heard it.

“Would you have come?”

Molly adjusted the elastic, frowned and pulled it out to begin again. “I don’t know.”

Kim held still while Molly pulled her hair up again. “I needed you to come. I knew if you knew Jason was involved, you wouldn’t.” They kept their voices hushed, knowing he was just outside the door.

“You haven’t mentioned it in two years. That’s how long he’s lived there, right?” She gave a final tug on Kim’s hair. “There. That’s the best I can do.”

“It hasn’t been washed since the surgery,” Kim lamented. “I’d kill for a bottle of shampoo and conditioner.”

Molly took out make up and began putting foundation on a white wedge-shaped sponge.

“You don’t talk about Jason. I know that. So I never mentioned him. But as you have probably guessed, he’s a godsend to Sara and me.”

Hmmph, Molly groused to herself. Almighty Jason the great savior. Perfect Jason, while self-centered Molly was the one to run away. If only people had heard her side of things. But she’d left town, making that her fault, she supposed. And Kim had a point. Jason was the one topic she avoided at all costs. Even if Kim had tried to mention it, Molly would have shut her down.

“We’ll discuss it later. Now hold still.” She made the words gentle, knowing it wasn’t Kim’s fault she was defensive about Jason. She finished dotting on the sheer foundation, added a hint of mascara, a touch of blush to give her sister a little healthy color and a swipe of lip gloss.

“Now you look presentable. Except for your clothes, but there’s nothing I can do there. Can I get Jason and Sara now?”

Kim nodded. “Thanks, Mol. I didn’t want to scare her.”

Molly stepped outside the door, smiled and took Sara from Jason’s arms. “Let’s go. Your mama’s waiting,” she said lightly and carried the little girl inside with Jason on her heels.


Sara squirmed with delight at the sight of her mother, and Molly’s eyes stung sharply at the unadulterated love in that one word. “Remember, you’ve got to be careful, Sara. Just sit on her bed easy, okay? Your mom’s still pretty sore.”

“How’s my best girl?” Kim held out her arm to her daughter, wincing slightly but beaming as Sara snuggled in for a big hug. “Gosh, I missed you!”

“I missed you, too. Aunt Molly helped me make you this.” Her tiny hands held out the card.

“Wow! You did a great job! Maybe Uncle Jason can put it on my windowsill with my other cards. Is that okay?”

Molly perched at the foot of the bed while Jason took the chair beside it.

“Have you been good for Aunt Molly and Uncle Jason?”

Molly got a strange surge of feeling hearing their names paired together like that. It made them sound like a couple, and if they’d been married years ago like Jason had wanted, it would be true. She kept her eyes from finding his. Long looks were just another thing she had to avoid.

Sara nodded enthusiastically.

“If I asked them, would they say you’ve been good?”

Jason chuckled. “She’s an angel.”

Molly touched Sara’s hair. “Remember, we can’t stay long. Your mama’s still pretty tired.”

“I remember, Aunt Molly.”

Kim hugged her daughter close, careful of her tubes. Jason stood, hovering by the bed. “Have you eaten dinner?”

Kim smiled wryly. “Some chicken and cold mashed potatoes. Gotta love hospital food.”

“Do you want something? Molly and I can go to the cafeteria before it closes and grab you a snack.”

“I’d love a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie, if you think you can sneak it in.”