“Don’t be silly.” She smiled at him. “I’ll take it down myself. And I promise I’ll leave the rest of my work for tomorrow, Raoul. Now that I’ve stopped working there’s nothing I want more than a glass of wine and a hot bath.”

Oh Dios mío. He did not need that image burned into his brain right now. He stood rather abruptly. “Then I’ll say good night and see you in the morning.”

He was nearly to the door of the office when her voice stopped him. “Raoul?”

He turned half around.

“Thank you for dinner. It was very sweet.”

“You’re welcome,” he answered.


Two days before the wedding and Steph had a hesitantly optimistic feeling it was all going to come together. After last night’s meal she’d gone home and had that wine and bath and a solid nine hours sleep. Today she’d come into work feeling more rested and energized than she had in several weeks. The checklist was well in hand and she’d made the brave, yet smart decision to do a little extra delegating. At some point she had to trust people to run their sections and do their jobs.

Lucy arrived at noon, coming into the office with a boundless energy that Stephani envied, as well as a splendid waterfall of red, curly hair. She looked nothing like the Navarros, but she had the same stubborn mind and ineffable charm.

“Stephani!” Lucy cried out, and came around her desk to pull her into a hug. “You look exhausted. Where’s Rose? Isn’t she planning all this stuff?”

Steph laughed. “Rose is being bridal. Today is spa day. Body wrap, mani, pedi, facial, massage . . . the whole works. Then she has her final fitting and dinner with the bridesmaids.”

Lucy shuddered. “I’m glad Brody and I kept things really simple.”

Steph laughed, really happy Lucy was here. The youngest of the Navarros, she seemed to spread sunbeams everywhere she went, and not just because of the color of her hair. “Brody and the kids? They’re settled?”

Lucy nodded. “And sleeping. We flew most of the night. I brought noise-cancelling headphones and slept. Brody didn’t, and dealt with the kids.” She sent Steph a wicked grin. “Sucker.”

They were both laughing when Raoul came out of his office.

“Luce!” He came forward, a broad smile on his face, and enveloped his sister in a hug.

Steph couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled quite that big or so easily. When he did, his face transformed and it was a glorious, beautiful thing. No lines of grief or responsibility etched there. Just happiness.

“Hello, big brother. You’re looking well.”

“So are you. You brought Alyssa, too, along with Alex?”

Lucy nodded. “At this age she’s super easy. She just started sleeping through the night but she’s not mobile yet.” She laughed. “I left the children with Emilia and Max in the nursery. Alex and Max were planning some sort of battle on the grounds and Emilia and Imogene were fussing over Alyssa. I like the new nanny.”

Raoul nodded. “Rose recommended her, and the children adore her.”

Lucy stepped back from Raoul and looked at Stephani. “I expect you could use some help right about now. What needs doing?”

Stephani let out a breath. “You’re a lifesaver, but you’re not here to work. You’re family.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Lucy laughed while Raoul grinned at his sister’s eye-rolling. “For that matter, so are you.”

It echoed a little too closely to what Raoul had said last night. There was no denying that she’d always enjoyed a “familiar” relationship with the Navarro family because of Ceci. For a long time it had been wonderful, but now it added a layer of complication to what had once been fairly straightforward.

She’d always found Raoul attractive; when he and Ceci had started dating Stephani had been more than a little awestruck. Once they’d become engaged, she got to know him better and liked him as a person and not just as a king-in-waiting. But it had been when Emilia was born that she’d fallen for him.

It had been a strange, defining moment. She’d gone to visit her cousin and discovered Raoul in the nursery. Ceci was asleep and Raoul was holding the baby in his arms as Stephani peeked in the door. The conversation he’d had with his baby daughter had been so tender, so heartfelt, that he’d ceased to be a prince in that moment. He’d been a husband and a father and a man, and she hadn’t been able to turn off her feelings since.

She couldn’t tell Raoul how she felt, and certainly couldn’t “make a move.” But she wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye, either. Because Lucy was right. This was her family. Both the Navarros and also the household staff. To leave would mean starting over in so many ways.

“Yes, but I’m on the payroll,” she said lightly, trying to cover the turmoil of her thoughts.

Lucy laughed again and linked her arms with Stephani. “Payroll, schmayroll,” she argued. “Show me your to-do list and I’ll see what I can take off your plate. I’ve got about two hours before I need to be at the nursery again.”