He started humming, and moved his feet. “A ball gown is made for a dance, is it not?”

She had no choice but to follow. She took little steps until he spun her around, and her stride accommodated the movement naturally. A smile played on her lips as he kept humming, something she didn’t recognize but she suspected was slightly out of tune. “Now who’s being silly?” she asked, then caught her breath as the spun her under his arm, her skirt swishing behind.

“I am. Because I solved a problem today.” He pulled her back in, close to his chest. “We both want a chance to explore this without family interference, and I found the perfect solution.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “You did?”

He nodded. “Remember when I suggested you needed a vacation at the wedding? It’s all set. We’re going to the Riviera.”

Her feet stopped moving. “We are?” Confusion rushed through her veins, cramping her chest. “You mean France? When?”

“I’ve been officially invited. The resort developer we’ve been working with has several properties on the Riviera and has offered to host us for a week. It’s a chance to see the things that are working there, what we’d like to do differently, meet with his development team about potential designs, and run figures. It’s a working trip, but you have to admit, the location is second-to-none and naturally, I’ll need an assistant.”

It wouldn?

?t be the first time she’d traveled with him on a business trip. But to use it as a smokescreen for their relationship . . .

“It feels a little clandestine, doesn’t it?” Maybe it was wrong, but the idea of it was a teensy bit exhilarating. She’d always been a rule follower. Crossing her t’s and dotting her i’s, making sure protocol was followed to the letter.

“A bit. But no one will give it a second glance, and it gives us a little time. Not much, but a little.” He reached for her hand. “Just last night my father was asking who I was with and why I wasn’t reachable. Diego called and wondered why I wasn’t here. The children missed saying good night to me. Forgive me, Steph, but when do I get to have a little freedom? When do I get a chance to do something without it being on someone’s daily agenda? It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s the best one that will prevent a lot of intrusive questions.”

The idea of spending a few days in a five-star resort on the Med wasn’t a hardship. Particularly spending it with Raoul. “How long would we be gone?”

“Just short of a week. We’d leave the day after tomorrow. I still have to take a security detail. I’m sorry about that, but I’ll take Marco to be our driver and have him choose a few people from the team.”

“I can be ready by then. I’ll delegate some of the work from here to Sofia. It gives her an undue burden, though.”

“It’s only a week.” He squeezed her fingers. “But you’ll come?”

She met his gaze and shrugged, feeling ridiculous once again in the rustling, golden gown. “I work for you. You say I go, I go.”

But he shook his head. “No, Stephani. Not this time. I’m asking you to go with me. Not commanding.”

Why did he have to be so perfect? “All right, then. I’ll go. I’ll work on a handover for Sofia tomorrow and pack tomorrow night. And I guess I’ll reschedule your appointments for the next week.”


She pulled her fingers from his grasp. “Now may I please change out of this dress? And get back to doing my job?”

“By all means.”

She was nearly to the bathroom when he called out behind her, “That’s a great color on you, by the way.”

Her cheeks flamed the whole way to the door.


This business trip wasn’t like any other she’d taken with Raoul before. They boarded the royal jet and zipped off at mid-morning, after saying goodbye to the children.

Normally, they’d have coffee on the plane, go over the itinerary and any documents that needed reviewing before any meetings or engagements.

Instead, Raoul popped a bottle of champagne and presented a plate of pastries and fruit for them to munch on as they made the short flight. She’d spoken to the resort owner’s assistant yesterday and had discovered that Raoul had been given a suite and that her smaller suite was next door to his. She was glad to have her own space; not only was their relationship not at a “share rooms” level, but for discretion’s sake, this was better.

“You’re quiet,” he said, as he topped up her champagne glass. “We’re spending a week away in one of the most glamorous places in the world. I thought you’d be happier. You’ve needed a vacation for a long time, Steph.”

She looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been deep in thought, that’s all.” A smile touched her lips. “Confession. I’ve never been to Cannes, or Nice, or Monte Carlo.”

“I haven’t been there in years, either. I’m looking forward to it.” He leaned back in his chair. “Perhaps we can head over to Monte Carlo, play a little roulette or try the dice.”