“Hmm. I think I’m going to have a chat with Tío Diego.”

Emilia’s face fell. “Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?”

He kissed her cheek. “Not at all. Were you good for Tía Lucy?”

She nodded. He looked down at the boys. “And you two? Did you have fun?”

“The rides were the best,” Alex said. “And the fireworks.”

“I liked everything,” Max stated firmly. “We should have a Disneyland here, Papa. But the castle would need more turrets.”

Raoul laughed, and so did Stephani, though she was still feeling conspicuous in the dress. “Well, I don’t think we can turn this place into Disneyland, but there might be some exciting things in store for Marazur.”

Stephani met his gaze. “The meeting went well?”

He nodded. “Very. There’s a lot I want to talk over with you.”

Lucy stepped in. “That’s our cue. Come on, kids. Let’s go up and have something to eat. We’ll see your papa at dinner tonight.”

“Aww,” Max grumbled. “I wanted to show Papa my light sabre.”

Raoul knelt down in front of his son. “We’ll have dinner, and then I’ll come up and you can show me everything you got and tell me all about your trip.”


“Promise.” He held out his hand for a fist bump.

Max grinned and bumped it back, then turned to his cousin. “Come on, Alex. I bet Señora Ortiz made cake.”

They dashed off, Emilia not far behind. Raoul looked at Lucy. “Does he always think with his stomach?”

She laughed. “They both do. Alex is even worse.”

“Thank you, Luce. For taking them. They needed it, and I haven’t done something fun like that with them for a long time.”

“It was my pleasure.” She looked over at Stephani. “No hard feelings about the dress? Emilia was pretty single-minded about it, and I didn’t have the heart to say no.”

Stephani laughed. “No hard feelings. Though I don’t think I’ll be wearing it to the next state dinner.”

“Aw, why not?” Lucy teased, and threw Stephani a wink. “I’d better go after them or they’ll stuff their faces full of cake and spoil their dinner.”

When she was gone, Stephani made for the bathroom to change back into her work clothes. But Raoul’s warm voice stopped her.

“Where are you going?”

She looked over her shoulder. “To change.”

“I think you should leave it on.” His lips held a twitch of humor. “Belle.”

“Don’t be silly.” She was embarrassed, but at the same time, she liked a teasing Raoul. It was a side that she’d glimpsed often when he’d been happy before, but one that had been absent for months. She’d missed it.

“I’m not silly.” He stepped forward and reached for her hand, then tugged it, spinning her into a dance hold. “Now, I’ve watched a few of these movies from time to time, and it seems to me that when the dress appears, it’s usually a dance scene.”

“Yes, and usually at a ball. This is an office.”

“But also a castle. And I am el príncipe, am I not?” He pulled her close. “Should I put on my official sash and medals?”

She swallowed tightly. “Raoul . . .”