“So you and Abby,” Josh said, warmer this time. “She’s plucky.”

Tom snorted. “Plucky?”

Josh shrugged. “Well, it’s the first time anyone’s seen you with a woman in … well, never mind. We’ve covered that. But show up in public wearing your sweats? That kind of says it all, don’t you think?”

Tom ran a hand over his face. “Actually, it wasn’t

like that. It’s a long story, too long for today. Anyway, don’t get your hopes up. It’s complicated, and she’s put the house up for sale. I don’t think she’s hanging around for much longer.”

There was the sound of a door opening and closing and the men turned to the double doors that marked the entrance to the ward. Bryce came through and halted as he saw the two of them standing together. A smile spread across his face. “Boys,” he said, coming forward. “Looking for a referee?”

* * *

Abby handed cups of coffee to Meggie, Tom, and Josh. Another of tea waited for Jess in the cardboard cup holder and she sipped at her own beverage, suddenly exhausted. Her legs were starting to pain as the meds wore off, so she sat down in one of the waiting room chairs to give them some relief. Tom was standing with Josh and Bryce and the three of them were talking. Their faces were somber, but not angry. The three of them made quite a picture—Bryce’s and Tom’s muscled, dark features against Josh’s leaner, lighter coloring.

“That’s not a sight I thought I’d see anytime soon,” Meggie said, taking a seat beside Abby.

“They put their differences aside for Sarah.” Abby looked at Tom’s aunt. “How is she?”

Worry clouded Meggie’s eyes. “No mother should ever have to bury her babies.”

“Or see their children suffer,” Abby said quietly.

“Or that. Mine have had their share.”

“Erin’s death and now Sarah.”

Meggie sipped her coffee. “Jess, too. You have them and want to protect them but at some point they have to go out on their own. It’s hard to watch the failures. But wonderful to see the victories.” She nodded at Josh. “That feels like a victory today. And I get the feeling you had a hand in it. Thank you for that.”

Abby shifted in the chair and the armrest knocked against her thigh. She gasped and clenched her teeth but not before Meggie noticed. “Are you okay? Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re looking a bit rough. We all sort of assumed that you and Tom had … I mean, with the borrowed clothes and everything…” Meggie blushed a little, and so did Abby.

“Oh,” she replied. She hadn’t quite thought about appearances when they’d hopped in the truck. “Um, not like that. I got caught in the storm earlier. My clothes are in Tom’s dryer.”

“And the leg?” Meggie’s gaze penetrated. “Someone doesn’t react like that from a little scratch.”

“The short version is that the barn at the top of Blackberry Hill is toast. I didn’t quite make it out unscathed.”

“What?” Meggie leaned forward. “Are you saying that old monstrosity finally came down?”

“With me inside it, I’m afraid.”

Meggie’s face paled. “My God, girl, what are you doing here?”

Abby smiled, touched by the concern. “It’s okay. I was pretty lucky. Tom bandaged me up. There’s a cut on my leg, and my knees got chewed up a bit.”

“Let’s see.”

Abby felt ridiculous. “I’m fine, really.”

Meggie frowned, her face taking on that motherly “just do as I say” look. Abby rolled up the cuff of Tom’s pants and carefully peeled back the gauze over her knee.

“You weren’t kidding.” Meggie examined the wound.

“There were a lot of splinters,” Abby explained. “I’m afraid it’s quite tender.”

“Of course it is.” She sat up. “Josh?”

“Meggie, please…”