
Abby took them into the library, the most comfortable room since the kitchen was out of commission. “Oh, yes. The floors weren’t even stripped before I left. It looks completely different. There’s a new roof and new paint outside, and the downstairs bath is all done. Just hold that a sec, will you?”

She scooted off to the kitchen to get a cloth and dashed back, spreading it on the table to protect it from the heat of the pizza box. “All the dishes are boxed up in the kitchen, but I’m betting that we can find plates and a few wine glasses if we dig a little.”

It took a bit of searching but before long they had plates, utensils, and a roll of paper towel to serve as napkins. In lieu of a proper sofa, Abby plopped fat cushions on the floor for them to sit on and opened the box, releasing the tempting scent of dough, tomato sauce, and melted cheese.

“I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse,” Sarah said, reaching for the first piece.

“How can you say that and stay the size you are? You just had dinner two hours ago!” Jess glared at her sister as she plopped a slice on her plate. “Come on, Abs, dig in.”

Abby took a slice and bit into it. It tasted like pepperoni and cheese and belonging. The way she’d never really belonged before. She’d never had nights with the girls, never felt like she was so intrinsically accepted as she was here with the two sisters. It more than made up for any past transgression.

Sarah shrugged. “It was only chicken and salad. It didn’t last long.”

“Right. The last time you ate like this you gained forty pounds and had Matt—”

Jess halted and looked over at Sarah. “You’re knocked up again?”

Sarah’s eyes got huge as Abby watched the two of them. At Sarah’s small nod, Jess’s smile grew. “And everything’s okay?”

“So far. Fourteen weeks,” she said, smiling, too.

“What? And you didn’t tell me?”

“We wanted to be sure … you know.”

Jess nodded, her eyes twinkling. “Of course you did. Oh, honey. Congratulations.”

Sarah looked over at Abby and explained. “We’ve been trying for quite a while to get pregnant again.”

Jess reached for the wine she’d brought, wielded the corkscrew, and poured wine into two glasses. “No wonder you offered to be the designated driver tonight.”

Sarah took a bottle of club soda from the bag containing the chips. “I was going to tell everyone at the party, but it didn’t quite work out the way I hoped.” She shrugged.

The party, where any announcement would have been upstaged by the Josh and Tom fireworks. “Congratulations,” Abby offered, accepting a wine glass. “Sorry your big announcement got wrecked, though.”

Sarah poured the soda into her glass. “I should have known better. Just ask Jess. I make all these grand plans but something usually happens to derail them. With Josh and Tom both there, I should have known that would be excitement enough.” She scowled. “I really thought they’d be more grown-up about it. I can’t believe Josh punched him.”

“I can’t believe Tom didn’t clean his clock in return,” Jess said, taking a sip of wine. “Tom’s never been one to back down from a fight.”

Just what Abby had thought. Unless Tom did feel guilty. “I felt like knocking their heads together, personally.”

Jess snickered and Sarah grinned. “See? I knew there was a reason we liked you. We’ve been saying that for years.”

Abby took a sip of the wine Jess had poured. “Does Josh really hate him that much?”

Sarah’s and Jess’s gazes met then they both looked at Abby. Jess spoke first. “We think Josh is more angry with himself. Or just angry in general and looking for somewhere to put it. Tom’s an easy target.”

Abby snorted a little. “I would think so. I’d be angry if I were Josh, too.”

“Why? Tom didn’t do anything wrong. Josh is as much to blame as Tom is.”

Abby’s lips dropped open at the unequivocal support for their cousin over their brother. “But this Erin … she was Josh’s wife.”

“Yeah, but she was Tom’s girl first.” Sarah looked sideways at Abby.

The bottom seemed to fall out of Abby’s stomach. “What?”