Jacob rose and held out his hand. “Jacob Wolfe.”

Stephen shook it firmly. “Stephen Pemberton. Earl of Chatsworth and Charlotte’s big brother.”

They dropped hands and to her surprise Jacob smiled at Stephen’s obvious staking of territory. “Of course. Shall I address you as My Lord?”

“Only if you hurt my sister.”

Jacob’s grin widened. “Join us for dinner, won’t you?”

Through all this Charlotte had remained silent, but now she spoke up. “Actually, Stephen, Jacob and I were having a private conversation.”

“Which we can continue later, can’t we?” Jacob looked down at her. “It’s okay, Charlie. We have time. It’s all going to work out fine. We want the same things.”

Oh, she doubted it, but she understood what he meant. Stephen took the seat opposite Jacob and flipped his napkin open before putting it on his lap. Another meal appeared for

Stephen, who sighed with appreciation.

“I’ve missed the food here,” he admitted.

Charlotte nodded. “It’s good. Why are you here, Stephen? I didn’t recall seeing anything on the family chat.”

“I’ve got to be in London next week, and thought a weekend here would be a nice break. We don’t come here as much since...”

He stopped, but she knew the end of the sentence. Since Dad died.

“Anyway,” he carried on, “I didn’t realize you’d be here or I would have given you your privacy.” He looked at Jacob. “You are the father, yes?”

Jacob’s gaze was even and unflappable. “Yes.”

“We should meet for a drink later this evening.”

“Stephen, I really don’t think—”

“Of course. I’d like that.”

She cleared her throat. “As long as you stay away from the antique dueling pistols. Stephen, I can handle myself.”

He put on an innocent face. “Of course you can.”

She leaned closer to him. “And your interference with Will and Gabi was not appreciated. Hint-hint.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Entirely different situation.” He looked back at Jacob. “I’m sure you can understand, that since our father is no longer here...”

“I understand completely. If I had a sister, I’d feel exactly the same.”

“Good.” Satisfied, Stephen tucked into his meal as if he hadn’t eaten all day, and to her surprise, so did Jacob. It was like they’d spoken some secret male language and come away with a satisfactory conclusion. Puzzling. And she didn’t like it, either. She called her own shots. Still, Stephen had been through a lot the last several months. Probably better to let him flex his big-brother muscles and then talk to Jacob again once it was over.

Dessert was another of her favorites, treacle tart, which Jacob exclaimed over and then sat back and patted his belly. “I haven’t had a meal like that in a very long time,” he said. “My compliments.”

“I’ll be sure to pass them along. Now, are you two going to be all archaic and take cigars and brandy in the study or something?” Sarcasm dripped from her lips, but she couldn’t help it. Stephen’s behavior was so cliché. Still, she knew it came from a place of love so she didn’t protest too much. She’d need her family in the weeks and months ahead. Besides, maybe Jacob did need to have a conversation with one of her brothers. He was going to be connected to their family now forever.

Stephen rose and put his napkin on the table. “No cigars for me, but I wouldn’t say no to a drink. Jacob?”

“Ugh.” Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Stephen, of all the times to play Lord of the Manor...”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “I am lord of this manor. And you are my sister. I’m just going to talk to him.” He gave a squeeze. “Seriously, he used to be Special Forces. I’m not that dumb.”

She couldn’t help it, she snorted, and even Jacob grinned. “It’s all right, Charlie. I’ll find you later.”