“Nicely put,” he agreed, tapping the glass against hers. “The press release was very well done, by the way. Aurora’s worth doesn’t rely on one trip down the runway.”

“Exactly. What happened was horrible. Months of work had gone into that line, but the line still exists. We spin it to our advantage. Maybe Amelie wanted to ruin us, but if we play it right, this gives us more publicity and a news cycle that we can exploit.” She took a healthy sip of her drink. “Better yet, Amelie can’t give interviews about it, since she signed a nondisclosure agreement. She speaks, and we’ll see her in court.”

“You’re ruthless,” he said, meaning it as a compliment.

“I have a lot of Maman in me. But I’m also just me. Tired of black and white. Ready to take on the fight myself.” She smiled suddenly, so bright it lit the room. “Oh, Jacob, I came here to make my mark and find a way to take my place in the company. I thought it was by running a flawless week just like Maman would. How wrong I was! It’s dealing with this crisis that has given me confidence and assurance. I feel wonderful!”

He chuckled. “You feel about three drinks in.”

She laughed. “Maybe. But it’s our party. Look at the crowd! Aurora is as strong as ever, and I’m proud to be a part of it. Not as Aurora Germain’s daughter, but as Charlotte Pemberton.”

Who was he to put the brakes on this moment? Maybe he didn’t get fashion but he did understand the rush she was feeling, the victory. When the Vogue columnist from earlier in the week appeared, he stepped back and let Charlotte step into the spotlight.

Saturday. Saturday was his flight to Paris, though maybe he could rebook and go straight to London. Maybe he could fly out tomorrow sometime and remove himself from the temptation of her. Or he could stay and...

Stay and let Charlotte take the lead. They both knew that in the end he’d go back to his life and she’d return to hers. As long as they both knew the score and consented, no one would get hurt.

He wouldn’t make the mistake of making promises, that was for sure. Not again. No promises, no risk.

Just two days with Charlotte. Did he dare?

* * *

Charlotte rode up in the elevator with Jacob, her head clear. She’d switched to sparkling water after she’d talked with Lauralea from Vogue, wanting to be sober and in possession of all her faculties when she dealt with Jacob and what was going to happen between them.

She was sure now that he wanted it as much as she. The air in the elevator was heavy, and she was warm beneath the toasty wrap she wore over her dress. But now that they were alone together, conversation had disappeared. She wasn’t sure what to say. Maybe once they were in the apartment together...

The elevator doors slid open, nearly silent in the empty corridor. Jacob stepped out and then put his hand against the sliding door to ensure it stayed open as she exited the car. His face was so serious right now.

The fun and levity of the party had fled once they left the hotel and got in the limousine.

Her hand shook as she entered the security code for the apartment, then stepped inside.

The foyer was dark, and soft light from the living room beckoned them in. Before Charlotte could move, though, Jacob was there, easing the wrap off her shoulders. The air was cool on her skin, and she broke out in goose bumps. But Jacob merely dropped her wrap on a small table and put his hands on her shoulders. His wide, warm, slightly rough hands.

He was touching her, finally. She drew in a shaky breath, wanting to prolong the moment, yet wanting to turn around and launch herself into his arms.

“Charlie,” he murmured, and a full-on shiver erupted down her body as his warm breath touched behind her ear just before his lips touched the skin of her neck ever so softly.

Charlie. No one had ever given her a nickname before. She had always been fully Charlotte. The sound of it was strange to her ears, but so very welcome. It was fun and a little quirky and made her feel just a bit special.

“Mmm.” She arched her neck, making room for his lips, and he didn’t disappoint. Her nipples hardened into points at the light, seductive contact. He ran a finger just behind her ear, holding her hair back so he could access the tender skin better. A gasp escaped her lips as his tongue touched her earlobe. And yet all contact was slow and perhaps even a bit hesitant. Testing.

She swallowed tightly as he made no further move, because she understood what he was asking. He’d made his play, but he was waiting for consent. For reciprocation. Her heart tumbled at the knowledge. Jacob Wolfe was perhaps the most ethical man she’d ever met. He spoke to her plainly, without worry about her feelings or coming off well. Just honesty and a trust that she could take whatever he was going to say. He treated her...as an equal.

Today she might have crawled into a hole and cried about what had happened with the show. Instead she’d stood tall and carried on. Jacob had said he admired that. Now he was nuzzling her neck and she had never in her life felt more empowered than she did at this moment.

She turned around so that she was facing him, and met his gaze. The gray of his eyes was like lightning, full of need and restrained power. That he was capable of such gentleness was seductive in itself.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

“You’re sure this is what you want?”

She nodded. “You’re not my bodyguard anymore, Jacob. You’re just a man. A man I’ve wanted to kiss for days. Please don’t make me wait any longer.”

She’d expected something grand and passionate, something that burned hot and incinerated her into ash. She didn’t expect the tender way he cupped her face in his large hands, or stared into her eyes as he lowered his head. His lashes went down and she got a glimpse of their sandy color before she closed her eyes, too, and his lips touched hers.

It was gentle, reverent, decimating.