“You’re exhausted.”

She opened her eyes and smiled a little. “Yes, but I still have enough energy to get through tonight. You’ll still come, won’t you?”

His gaze plumbed hers, asking silent questions.

“I want you to,” she said. “Not as my bodyguard. As my guest, as a friend. I know I’ve been a pain in your neck sometimes this week, but it hasn’t been all bad. And you’ve really come through when I needed it.”

“It hasn’t been all bad. High praise.” But he smiled, the tiniest hint of a dimple creasing his cheek.

“Your tux was sent out for cleaning and should be back in your closet. And I think you’ll like tonight’s dress.” She’d picked it out earlier in the week, eschewing the planned black-and-white number and instead going for something vibrant and very unmistakable. Janet had had it sent over yesterday, and it had been sitting in Charlotte’s closet ever since. If this party was going to make a statement about Aurora, she was going to make a personal statement, too.

He brushed his fingers against her cheek. “I come from a different world,” he replied. “One where it doesn’t really matter what dress you wear. You’re a beautiful woman, Charlotte. But that’s not because of what you wear or how you do your hair or anything like that.”

She figured that for a man like him, this was damned near poetic, and her heart softened even further. “So you’ll come with me?”

He sighed. “Charlotte, I’m the wrong kind of man for you. I don’t live in your world and to be honest, I don’t want to. I’m a regular guy who knows nothing about fashion. Money doesn’t change who I am. Deep down I’m still a soldier. A plain, ordinary grunt who would never fit in with your movie stars and models and moguls.”

“Did you consider those are the exact reasons I like you?” She put her hand over his, still on her cheek. “I know you’re not with me because of what you’ll gain from it. It’s refreshing.”

“I have no idea why you trust me.”

She looked in his eyes. “Because you have not given me a reason not to. Because I’m not twenty-two and naive anymore.” She turned her face and kissed his palm, a tiny press of her lips. “Before the party last night...what you said... I don’t think I’m the only one who’s had their heart broken. And I’m sorry, Jacob. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt so badly.”

His throat bobbed. “This is so far over the professional line,” he murmured.

“It’s over. There doesn’t have to be a professional line anymore. So come with me tonight. As my friend. Please.”

“I’ll come with you.”

She smiled, suddenly energized again, knowing she wouldn’t have to walk into that ballroom alone. “Thank you. Let’s get ready and show the world that the Pembertons don’t stay down for long. We might have canceled the show, but Aurora will go on long after today.”

He stood and held out his hand. She took it and rose from her chair, then gave it a small squeeze before letting go and heading to her room.

One thought kept running through her brain: Jacob wasn’t an Aurora employee anymore. Tonight, everything could change.


JACOB COULDN’T TAKE his eyes off her.

Gone was the trademark black-and-white couture, and in its place was a stunning gown in a vivid, hot pink, the perfect color for her creamy skin and dark hair. From the moment she’d stepped out of her room he’d been mesmerized, and that was saying something. Jacob Wolfe didn’t do mesmerized. Not anymore. And yet now, as he held a glass of Scotch in his hand and watched her talking half a room away, he was entranced.

His mission was accomplished. He could go home in three days as scheduled, Charlotte was safe, the mystery of the emails solved, everything back to normal. Just the way he wanted. He could take his trip to Tenerife. Exactly right. Then he’d return and continue running a company that protected VIPs and dignitaries and made him a truckload of money.


sp; Except then Charlotte turned a half turn and looked over her shoulder at him, and he was sunk. She smiled, and he wondered what the hell he was going to do.

Go home and forget about her, that’s what. He’d spoken the truth earlier. He wasn’t the man for her. Hell, even being here tonight he was a complete fish out of water. As a bodyguard he stayed in the background, on the perimeter of the high-powered worlds of his clients. He was...in his place. This, though, was different. He was faking his way through the evening, but it wasn’t fitting right. Kind of like having a sock wrinkle under your foot and not being able to adjust your shoe to fix it.

He finished off the Scotch—his liquid courage—as Charlotte wound her way through the crush of people to where he waited. He didn’t mind the tux; he was used to being in formal wear and the Hackett suit had been tailored specifically for him. The bow tie felt constrictive as he swallowed. All he could think of was that he wasn’t Charlotte’s bodyguard any longer. That barrier between them was gone, and there was no denying they’d been fighting an attraction to each other all week. How could he not be attracted to her? She was beautiful, smart and brave. Not once had she cowered when it came to the harassment leveled at her. If anything, she’d stepped up her game. God, how he admired that. No matter how far apart they were in social spheres, he was still attracted to her. Uncomfortably so.

She stood in front of him now, in that pink column of fabric that clung to her curves, enveloping her breasts in a strapless neckline that looked like a heart. The small train behind gave her such a Hollywood glamour look that he was sure she was something out of a dream.

“You’re bored,” she announced, her eyes twinkling.

“I swear I’m not.” He wasn’t, either. He was busy keeping his eyes on her. Not because he was paid to, but because he couldn’t help himself.

The ballroom glittered around them, all chandeliers and gilt and sparkly dresses and jewels and fashion royalty. It was a very different feel from the sometimes raucous party they’d gone to last night, but it fit Charlotte, fit the Aurora brand. Champagne flowed and wait staff circulated with delicacies for nibbling. Instead of the hip-hop artist from the Brooklyn warehouse, the music was provided by a classics crooner even Jacob recognized.