“Anytime,” he answered. “What about tomorrow? Are you around so we can... I don’t know, do something?”

She was a little sorry and a little relieved that she had to answer, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got a couple coming out to tour venues. It’s been set up for weeks.”

“Oh. Well, I can’t monopolize all your time. Sleep well, Delly.” He shut the door with a click.

The driver asked for her address and she gave it, and then sat quietly as they made the drive down the hill and into the town site. She was already thinking. And wondering if there was any way possible they could make this work.

* * *

Dan packed his bag, for real this time. Checkout was by eleven; he planned to do that and then meet Adele at her place before he had to head to Calgary. He was due in the office first thing tomorrow morning, and had a room reserved in a downtown Calgary hotel for tonight, though if things went the way he hoped, he’d be at Adele’s tonight.

It didn’t take long to pack; he took his things downstairs and left them with the concierge while he grabbed a quick breakfast. He was nervous as hell about what came next, though. This was the end of his week. He didn’t want to leave Adele; wished he had more time so they could build a new foundation. Dread settled like a rock in the pit of his stomach. She’d said she hadn’t stopped loving him, but it was a big leap from there to actually having a relationship again—especially a long-distance one.

He’d hired a car for the days ahead, and had it delivered to the hotel. With his luggage stowed securely in the trunk, he climbed behind the wheel of the Lexus and made the short trip to Adele’s place, parking behind her little car in the driveway. His pulse quickened and the knot in his stomach intensified. What if she’d thought about them and decided it wasn’t worth it? How was he going to get over her again?

He climbed her steps and knocked on her door, as nervous as a boy on his first date. When she opened the door, his tongue seemed to tangle in his mouth, momentarily preventing him from speaking. She wore snug jeans and a V-neck sweater made out of some sort of ultra-soft blue material, and it highlighted her curves gloriously. The other night, he’d been prevented from touching those curves by the bulkiness of her coat. Now his fingers itched to skim down her ribs and settle on her hips.

Nervousness hadn’t made the wanting go away.

“Hi,” she finally said, trying a smile.


She stepped aside, holding the door open. “Come in, please.”

She sounded so...polite. That probably wasn’t good. He stepped inside the warm entry and she reached for his coat. “Here, let me take this.”

He let her slide it off his shoulders, but when she stood there, his coat in her hands, he knew he had to kiss her. Her eyes were wide and her lips slightly parted as he took a step closer and covered her mouth with his own.

She was so sweet. Sweet and soft and perfect, just like he remembered.

And when the kiss broke off, she put her arms around his middle and snuggled in against his chest, just for a few moments. But it eased the knot of worry and made him close his eyes, hoping.

“Did you eat?” she asked, stepping back. “I can make you something.”

“I had an omelet at the hotel, but thanks.”

“Eggs,” she teased, and grinned up at him.

“Best way to start the day.”


“So, let’s go inside and talk.”

They went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Dan patted the cushion next to him. “Will you sit next to me? No matter what happens, I want to be holding your hand, all right?”

She nodded, and Dan noticed a flicker of unease behind her eyes. Still, he wasn’t going to freak out yet. Even if they tried to make this work, there were a lot of things to discuss.

And as he twined his fingers with hers, he found himself wishing she’d stayed over. No matter how this went, he wished he had that final memory to take back with him.

“So,” he began, hoping he came up with the right words. “The first thing I want to say is that I want this to work out somehow. I don’t want today to be goodbye forever.”

She nodded. “I know. I feel the same way.”

He let out a relieved breath. “Oh, thank God.”
