“Getting him here quickly helped. The sooner we can treat these issues, the better the prognosis. Marvin’s in excellent health otherwise.”

Brooklyn frowned, trying to think of what Marvin might have eaten and where. “Netting? I guess he might have picked it up on the beach. We do walk there every day. But I didn’t notice him eating anything strange.”

“It’s hard to say. Dogs are like kids. The moment you have your back turned...” He grinned, and Brooklyn could see the tiredness behind his dark brown eyes.

“I can’t thank you enough, Dr. Thorpe. Thank you for coming in and for having a generator.” She smiled weakly.

“You’re welcome. I’d like to keep Marvin here until tomorrow at least. Particularly where you’re on the island, making sure he’s good and stable is important. It’s not like I live just around the corner.”

“Of course. Whatever you think is best. Can I see hi


“Certainly. He’s still out, though.”

Brooklyn went back and bit her lip when she saw Marvin resting, still unconscious from the anesthesia. His tongue hung out of his mouth, but his breaths were nice and even. She patted his head and gave him a kiss, and said a little prayer of thanks that he was going to be okay.

When she went out to the waiting room, Cole was chatting with the woman at the desk. “Hey,” he said, smiling at her. “Jen says that power’s out almost everywhere, but she heard that the lights are on at the Sandpiper Resort. If they have a room, why don’t we head there and get some sleep? That way you can be close to Marvin. If he can go home tomorrow, I’ll have Dave fly us all home. If not, we can always fly back and bring a boat back to pick him up. But for today, you can get some sleep and not have to worry.”

Right now she was so tired the thought of a comfortable bed nearly made her weep. “If they have a room, I’ll say yes. I’m ready to drop.”

“Same. Give me a few minutes to sort some arrangements.”

He was looking after everything, and while she was thankful, it also felt a bit strange. She wasn’t used to people taking charge and making sure her comforts were seen to. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it really, or if her unsettled thoughts were all part of the emotion and fatigue of the past few hours. So she let it go, deciding they could talk about it later.

One cab ride later and he had them checked into the only room left at the Sandpiper. “We’re lucky to have not lost power,” the woman behind the desk said with a smile. “But that also means we’re full up. You got our last room.”

“Perfect.” Cole sent her a winning smile and then held out his hand to Brooklyn. “Shall we?”

The only room left was of course the suite, complete with a patio overlooking the ocean and a massive king-size bed with six pillows and a silk duvet that looked like a fluffy cloud. “Big enough for the both of us,” Cole said, his voice utterly practical. “What do you want first? Sleep or food?”

Brooklyn yawned. “Sleep.”

“Then in you go.” He pulled down the covers and she crawled inside, fully clothed. The mattress felt absolutely heavenly, the pillow cradled her head perfectly. Her whole body melted into the fine linens.

“You’re going to sleep too, right?” she asked, closing her eyes.

“You bet I am.”

“Okay. Good.” She was starting to drift off when she said, “Cole?”

“Yes, Brooklyn?”

“Thank you. So very much. I couldn’t bear to lose him.”

“I know. Sleep now.”

She thought she felt his fingers brush the hair off her face. And then she remembered nothing.

* * *

When she woke, it was to the sensation of something warm pressed up against her back. She blinked against the brightness of the room—they hadn’t bothered to shut the curtains—and remembered that she was in a gorgeous hotel suite with Cole. And that it was Cole who was spooning her right now, his breaths deep and even against her ear.

Brooklyn didn’t want to move, it felt so good.

A few short weeks ago he’d come to the island with all intentions of getting her to sell her house. Now he was snuggled up next to her, after they’d weathered a hurricane together and he’d singlehandedly saved her best friend.

Because if they hadn’t gotten Marvin prompt attention, the outcome might have been very different.