Back at the house, tents were set up and tables were covered with fine white linens and bouquets of flowers matching the one in her hand. A photographer took photos in the gardens and on the staircase in the house, and then they joined the guests who were mingling with cocktails. A delicious aroma rose from a line of chafing dishes; Cole had insisted on bringing his favorite caterer from New York to prepare the feast for the gathering, and even the cocktail hour was nothing short of amazing, with magnificent crab cakes, smoked salmon, asparagus tips wrapped in prosciutto, and a wine list that would grace the finest Michelin-starred establishment.

The dinner to follow was no less perfect, with lobster bisque, filet, and a crème wedding cake with fresh strawberry filling.

And through it all, Cole held his wife’s hand as often as possible. Brooklyn had never felt so adored.

And when the evening descended, Brooklyn changed into a going-away dress. The guests would all remain on the island for the night, comfortably ensconced in the beautiful rooms of the mansion. Meanwhile, Dave and his helicopter flew in to escort them away for their wedding night. He took them back to the site of their last helicopter trip, the tiny Liverpool airport, where a chartered plane waited to take them to Martha’s Vineyard. They’d spend a week there, hidden away from the world.

Brooklyn fell asleep, her head against Cole’s shoulder as they made their way over the dark ocean to their honeymoon site. She woke when they landed and smiled bashfully as he kissed her hair. “Glad you had a refresher,” he whispered. “Our night is just beginning.”

Heat crept up her cheeks, the delicious sort. He was right, of course. But while they’d planned their day to the last detail, she still had one surprise left. A wedding present he was not expecting.

She waited until they were in the suite. Despite the coolness of the evening, Cole had opened the door to the private balcony just a little so that the light curtains ruffled and the scent of the ocean came inside. The room was lovely, all white and china blue, an oasis of calm and relaxation where they could settle into their first married days together. Cole stripped off his tie and his suit jacket, hanging them over a chair. He looked delicious in wrinkled trousers and his white shirt open at the throat. And they’d make the most of the king-size bed, she was sure of it.

As if reading her thoughts, he crossed the room and gathered her in his arms, then kissed her, holding nothing back. When he let her go, she was rather dizzy from it all, and looking forward to the rest of the night. But she put a palm on his chest and willed herself to calm.

“Wait,” she said softly. “I have a wedding gift for you, and I’ve been waiting all day to give it to you when we were alone.”

“Oh?” He waggled his eyebrows. “Tell me it’s some skimpy lingerie under that dress.”

She laughed. “That, too. But this is something else. Something special.” She reached into the pocket of her new carry-on bag and took out a thick envelope.

“What’s this?”

“Open it and find out.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed and slid open the seal. Brooklyn watched as what the papers represented registered, and his gaze darted up to hers. “This is the deed to the house and your land.”

“Now it’s our house and our land. All you have to do is sign.”

He stared at the sheaf of papers again, as if he couldn’t quite believe it. “But Brooklyn, that’s yours. It’s been in your family for generations.”

Oh, the dear man. She went to him and sat beside him on the mattress, and put her hand on his knee. “You silly fool. After today, you’re my family. Now the whole island is back where it belongs. With one owner, one who loves and cherishes it.”

For the past six months she’d discovered the true depths of her love for Cole. There had been moments where she wasn’t sure she could handle city life and the demands that went along with his status, but she’d adjusted. She’d started going to therapy again, too, rather than hiding away and denying her fears. But the island was still their place, where they’d met and fallen in love and the place they loved most of all. It would be a summer home for them, a vacation house and a refuge when they needed time away. And someday, their children would run along the beach and collect driftwood and they’d go out and fish for pollock and mackerel.

“Sweetheart. This is just...thank you. Thank you for trusting me with it, for sharing this with me.”

“I thought we could stay in the big house and Dan and Rae could have the house if they wanted it. Like you originally planned.”

“Are you sure? You have so many memories there. I remember you saying you wouldn’t take two million dollars for the house and land. But here you are it to me.”

“That’s because I got something much more valuable than two million dollars,” she whispered, snuggling close. “I got your heart. And my love, I can’t put a price on that. It’s worth everything.”

“I love you, Mrs. Abbott.” The letter dropped to the floor as he pulled her into his arms.

“And I love you, Mr. Abbott. Happy wedding day.”

* * *

If you missed the previous stories in the South Shore Billionaires trilogy, look out for

Christmas Baby for the Billionaire

Beauty and the Brooding Billionaire

And if you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Donna Alward

Summer Escape with the Tycoon