
I looked up to see her walking toward me. Hair slightly disheveled, pink lips that stood out against her pale skin, and green eyes bright and happy despite us being up ’til the wee hours of the morning.

“Mornin’ yourself. Want breakfast?”

She smiled and scratched at her hair. “How can I pass up your famous bowl of cereal?” She slid into the chair next to me and pointed to the jar. “I see you’ve been busy.”

I stood and kissed the top of her head. “Yep. Hope you’re limber.” I pulled down another bowl. “What’ll it be, my lady? Lucky Charms? Honey Smacks? Frosted Cheerios?”

Ginger lifted out of her chair enough to reach my jar and for me to get a glance at her bare bottom peeking out from beneath my T-shirt.

She glanced back at me over her shoulder. “Cheerios, please.” She rolled it around in her hand. “Have you opened mine yet?”

I set the bowl down in front of her. “No. I wanted to make mine first.”

She thanked me and set the jar back onto the table. “You might need to be limber as well.” She gave me a smug grin and started eating her cereal.

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip and smiled at my wife. She looked at me from under her lashes as she continued to eat. I reached for her list. Her actions slowed as she watched me shake the jar, tilting it to mix up the papers inside.

With a lazy smile, I unscrewed the lid, closed my eyes, and reached inside to pull out one of the notecards. My eyes met hers as I fingered the folded piece of hot pink paper. This was it. The first item to kick off our kinky adventure. A lot of meaning on such a small surface. Regardless of what it said—the weight of it—the fact remained she’d put her trust in me, in us, to know that no matter what, she could feel good about everything that happened between us.

“We’re in agreement that tonight we try whatever is on this?”

She pressed her lips together and nodded.

I opened the notecard.


A low, building laugh started and I shook my head as I slid it across the table to her. She glanced at it and sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

“Guess I need to go do some shopping.”

She spooned the last bit of cereal. “I guess you do.”

“Think your parents will babysit again?”

She nodded. “Probably. Knowing them, they’ll keep him the rest of the weekend.”

I pulled the paper back and ran my fingers across my Ginger’s curly script. I folded it again and tapped it on the table. She finished off her cereal and brought the bowl to her lips, looking at me over the rim as she drained the milk.

“So…” I spun the paper in my hand. “A sundae, huh?”

I’d always thought the idea of food play was too messy for the trouble, but the idea of licking whipped cream off her sexy body… Yeah, the idea held a helluva lot of appeal.

She set down the bowl, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and did a half shrug. “Folks are always talking about chocolate sauce and whipped cream, so why not?”

My eyes widened. “Folks? What folks have you been hanging out with that talk about chocolate sauce and whipped cream?”

She arched a brow. I put my hand up and did a rapid shake of my head before she even spoke the name. Last thing I wanted was for my mind to be occupied of thoughts about my baby sister. The sound of Ginger’s musical laughter erupted. The amusement on her face, the joy radiating from her, all of it humbled my soul that I got to be a reason for it.

I ran my tongue between my lips and held my hand out toward her. She slipped hers in mine as she moved over to sit in my lap. I slid my hand between her knees, traveling up her thighs. All while she watched and let her legs open to give me access.

My fingers found the sweet spot, and I did a slow circle around her clit. The low moan she released was a siren’s call to my dick. When she shifted to rest against me and put her legs on either side of mine, my erection nestled between her ass cheeks. I pressed my lips to the side of her neck and nipped at the soft flesh. The faint saltiness hitting my tongue served as a reminder of last night’s marathon session. My hand moved lower to cup her mound, gliding easily along her silken skin, and her arousal coated my fingers.

The action caused her to move her hips in tiny circles. My hardened cock swelled beneath her teasing ass. I wanted more. Never would I get my fill of this woman, and the wetness between us told me she felt the same. Two fingers easily slipped into her warm, slick folds, while my other hand journeyed under her T-shirt until I palmed a breast, pinching her hardened nipple. She rocked her hips forward in rhythm with the slow movements of my fingers.

Shaky breaths escaped her parted lips, and she reached behind her to grab the chair. A simple motion, but one that pushed her breast into my hand. I smiled against her neck and pinched her tight bud again, receiving a strangled whimper in response.