Delight spread through me. “Oh yeah, baby. Was hoping this would get pulled soon.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Like hell I’m not. I told you when you bought that outfit.”

I guess she thought I had been joking when she’d decided to dress up like Black Widow for Halloween, but I was dead serious. Her curves in that black, body-hugging outfit… Hell, I’d been right when I told her other dads would be checking her out. Getting her back in it had been a top priority for months and this list thing provided me the perfect opportunity.

She pressed her lips together and started rubbing the back of her rings. Shit! Not the reaction I’d expected.

“Look, you don’t have to—”

She waved me off. “No, I want to do all your picks, but… It’s just that you’re you. And I’m me. How am I supposed to be in charge?”

I sat Shawn up so I could turn to face her. He rolled from the sofa and stood in front of the coffee table. We both watched him for a second to make sure he wasn’t going to take off. He picked up his sippy cup and plopped down on the floor.

My hands covered hers and I turned her face so I could look her straight in the eyes. “You’re always in charge.”

A simple truth. One I thought she understood. Even if it seemed like I ran the show, nothing happened without her say-so.

“And it’s not like you don’t initiate things. In case you hadn’t realized it, you can be a demanding little vixen when you want to.”

Her face heated and she pulled her hands free to cover her mouth. The twinkle in her eyes accompanied the soft giggles she tried to hide. Shawn turned back to look at us before he got up and waddled over to climb into her lap.

She took a breath and sat up straighter. “Fair enough.” Her attention went back to the slip of paper he’d now taken possession of, before returning to me. “So, you’re gonna kiss my boots and call me Mistress?”

Shawn tilted his head back to look at his mother and repeated the word kiss and puckered up his lips. She leaned down to give him a quick peck that got her a toothy grin as a reward.

I sat back, crossed my arms, and gave her a slow nod. “Yup.”


Toy Time


Malcolm entered the kitchen wearing a wide grin and holding a nondescript white box.

“Who was it?” I asked. The final click of the strap let me know Shawn was secure in his high chair.

He set the package on the island. “Express Now.”

I eyed it, then looked at him. “What new toy did you order for him?”

He licked his lips and tapped his fingers on the top of the box. “Not for him.”

My heart rate spiked and I swallowed hard, letting my gaze linger on the package before turning my attention to the hungry toddler squawking for food. The item he’d pulled last week. He’d spent more time downstairs in his office, even after work hours. Now I knew why. Not sure why I’d fooled myself into believing he’d simply go to one of the local stores and pick up something basic. Should have known better. Basic had never been his style.

With a wink, he picked up the box and carried it to the table. The grin on his face didn’t falter when he slid into the chair opposite me and put it down.

“Do you wanna know what I got?”

I placed the cut-up peanut butter and jelly sandwich on Shawn’s tray along with cubed apples while I shook my head at my overly excited husband. “With the look on your face, I think I’m scared to know.”

“This was your thing, baby. I’m just playing along.”

“Why do I feel like this item is about to bite me in the as— butt?”

He tented his fingers in front of him like some evil villain and let loose a low cackle. Shawn giggled in unison with his father, and I was thankful he was clueless over the subject of this conversation.