I kissed the back of her hand, and she looked at me with a rueful smile.

After I put Lil Man down for the night, I entered our room to find Ginger ready for bed. No fancy pajamas for her; one of my white T-shirts was always her choice of nightwear.

My sexy lady sauntered over and planted herself in my lap. I ran my hands up her bare thigh and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. Her fingers twirled one of my locs.

“Are you sure you’re okay waiting?”

“Waiting for what?”

“Kids. Well, more kids that is. I mean, we’ve only talked about it in passing…”

Ah, the talk with her mother. I swallowed and quickly measured my options. On the one hand, I was ready to make babies with her, but on the other, I didn’t want her to feel pressured. My wife was a pleaser and walking a fine line to express my wants in a way that didn’t come across as overshadowing hers remained a conscience effort.

I reached up and cupped her cheek, pulling her forward for a quick kiss. “Yes, I want more children with you. Would I be opposed to starting now? Not at all. But… I’m good waiting until we are both on the same page.”

My comment was rewarded with a half-smile before she adjusted herself in my lap and rested her head against my shoulder. “I do want to have a mini-Malcolm. Well, I guess that would be another mini, since Shawn mimics almost everything you do.”

I tightened my arm around her waist. “Can you blame him?”

She let out an airy groan that I’m sure had an eye roll attached.

I turned and kissed the tip of her nose. “Well, you might get lucky and have your own mini-me. I think I’d enjoy having a little girl to spoil rotten. She’d be beautiful, just like her mother.”

Her fingers tickled the back of my neck. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

I chuckled and ran my hand up and down her leg. “I’m good with hearing those words from you all day every day.”

She sat up, straddled me, and placed her hands on either side of my face. “I love you, Malcolm Isaiah Frankel.”

Her declaration punctuated with a kiss and a gentle swaying was enough to bring my dick to life. I squeezed her tight little ass, aiding her movements. When she pulled back, the most playful expression lit up her face.

“Time to play with my joystick?”

My head fell back as I barked out a laugh. “It’s yours to do with what you want, baby.”

She slid off and walked over to my dresser to pick up her jar of items. A large smile spread across my face.

“Well, nothing wrong with practicing between now and then right?” she asked when she turned back to face me.

I did a slow shake of my head. “Nothing at all. In fact, I think I need lots and lots of practice.”

This time it was her to laugh. “I’m sure you do.” Her words were accompanied with a playful eye roll.

She handed me the jar, sat beside me, and folded her legs kiddie style. I gave it a quick shake then closed my eyes as I reached inside. I cast a glance at her before I unfolded the yellow slip of paper in my hand.

My eyebrows shot up when I read the two words written there. “Toys? Am I not man enough for you?”

She plucked the paper from my hands and her skin turned a lovely shade of pink. “Too much,” she replied. “This is me needing a break.” The words could barely be spoken between her giggles.

I grabbed her legs, making her fall back against the bed, and I settled atop her. “You need a break, huh?” I pushed my hips forward and pressed my erection against her.

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. The heat from her body radiated through the thin veil of her panties. My cock twitched in response, eager for what was to come. I rolled us so she sat on top and smiled when she lifted the shirt off and tossed it to the floor.

“Maybe tomorrow.”

My hands ran up her side until the weight of her breasts settled into them. “That’s my girl.”