I’d been trying to figure out a way to bring up her maybe going back to Dr. Carr, in case whatever she was going through could be worked out better with her ex-therapist. I would rather be her first choice to confide in, but ego aside, I wanted my wife happy, however that needed to happen.

Food put away, dishwasher running, I grabbed my suitcase from the hall and headed up to our room. The door leading into the bathroom was closed. I wheeled my luggage into the closet and parked it there; I could unpack later. I stripped down to my boxers and dropped my discarded clothes on top of the gray case.

After settling on my side of the bed, I picked up my jar and smiled. Just a few pieces of paper remained. It’d been a damned good gift, one I hoped we could keep going, because there sure as hell were more than ten things I’d like to try out with my amazing wife.

Ginger emerged from the master bath, and her appearance had me setting the jar back down and getting up from the bed. Her hair hung loose in soft curls as if she’d just done it while in there. A bit of red tint to her lips. And the outfit… Hot damn, the outfit. It was reminiscent of a vintage negligee. The top of the robe, see-through, which put her full breasts on display. Beneath them a pink bow, tied to the side, and the fabric changed from sheer to black satin and hung down to the floor. The two halves were trimmed in feathers that matched the cuffs of the long sleeves.

I swallowed hard, at a complete loss of words.

With slow, tentative steps, she approached me. “What do you think?” Her gaze dropped, and those red lips stretched into a wide grin. “You like?”

“Like” didn’t even come close.

I wanted her. I wanted her so bad it hurt already. Which made the fact I was about to tell her no harder than hell. She may not want to hear the “R” word again, but I needed to make certain she was at a hundred percent.

“Baby, you look fucking fantastic.”

She did a little turn at my compliment. “Good. I wasn’t sure and I needed it to be perfect.”

I grabbed for her hand and pulled her

close. “You’re always perfect.”

She rolled her eyes before stretching up on her tiptoes to kiss my chin. “You don’t have to suck up, you’re already getting laid.”

My hands slid around her waist and down to her ass. Even if I wasn’t getting laid, didn’t mean I wasn’t gonna get a grab in. A mistake, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and went in for a kiss. Her tongue slipped into my mouth with no resistance. She tasted of mint and smelled of faint lavender. My cock throbbed between us and luckily she was the one to pull away.

“Happy birthday,” she spoke against my lips.

I leaned back to get a better look at her. My brows drew together. “Um, my birthday was like five months ago.”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip and stepped back. “Pull the bow.”

Seeing her naked would do nothing for my resolve, but the look of delight on her face had my hand moving of its own accord. I gave a slight tug to the end and the two halves parted, not a lot, but enough for me to notice red peeking out. Slowly, I spread them apart. I could only stare at the two words written in red across her stomach.

Hello, Daddy.

My heart stopped. When I looked back up at her, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

“Surprise,” she sang in an uncertain voice.

My mind tried to play catch up. “I…” I blew out a breath. “I don’t understand. You’re on the pill.”

“I might have stopped taking them right before your birthday.” A tear escaped down her cheek. Her features went from happy to worried. “I wanted to surprise you. I’m—”

I cut off her words when my lips covered hers in a quick, hard kiss. She was pregnant. I wrapped my arms around her and crushed her body to mine.

She was pregnant!

I dropped to my knees and traced my fingers along the words before kissing her soft stomach. She cradled my head as I leaned against her. Emotion thickened my throat, making it impossible to speak, so I held her. Her and our baby. A baby. My Ginger was pregnant. I’d gotten her pregnant. We’d made another person.

A lump formed in my throat and tears burned in the back of my eyes. Her sadness made sense now. And while I’d wished she’d let me in, I wouldn’t begrudge her the surprise she’d apparently put a lot of thought into and planned out. With a gentle touch, I again let my fingers trace the letters, wonderment, joy, pride, love, all battled for position.

“You’re pregnant,” I croaked out.

She sniffed and kept running her fingers through my hair. “Yeah.”

I stood and scooped her up to carry her the few steps to our bed. With great care, I laid her down and settled in beside her. My hand rested atop her belly and she covered it with her own. Surrounded by wet lashes, her green eyes shimmered with love that matched mine. I leaned forward and kissed her again. Soft and slow.