“You were?” I ask, surprised.
“Yep. I even had a daughter.”
His words shock and confuse me so much that I just stare at him. What does that mean? Where are they now?
“I don’t understand.” I don’t know why he’s telling me this either.
“I need a break. Come on.” He’s breathing kind of heavy, and I worry that he pushed himself too much. Wordlessly, I follow him off the courts and to a nearby bench, the one Cameron and Keelan usually sit on. Walter takes a few deep, long breaths before he speaks again. “My wife died during childbirth and my daughter died shortly after she was born.” I can’t stop staring at him, my eyes wide with disbelief. He continues slowly, taking his time to tell me his story.
“It happened during my late twenties, so it’s been awhile. I wasn’t sure I would ever be happy again, if I would fall in love and have a family.” He swallows hard. “Then I met your mom. I fell in love with her and fell in love with the idea of you.”
“What do you mean?” I interrupt.
“Well, we hadn’t met yet, but your mom talked about you a lot. I’ve always wanted a family, and with your mom, I would get one. Before I met you, I knew practically everything there was to know because of her. She warned me that you might not be so welcoming. She knew you were struggling with the divorce and how your dad was behaving.”
Absentmindedly, I narrow my eyes. “No wonder you never seemed surprised by me or my outbursts. You expected them.”
He laughs. “Pretty much.”
“How come you didn’t get angry with me, like Mom?”
“You were hurting,” he says with a shrug. “Hope that you would come around helped too. I can’t say I know what your dad is thinking, why he’s being like this, what you should do about it, or anything like that. All I want is for you and your mom to be happy, Haley. I don’t want to be your dad, or your friend, but if you’d let me, I’d love to be here if you need me. I’d love to be your stepdad, to be a part of your family.”
Tears well up in my eyes. Why in the world do I want to cry? For fear of the tears escaping, I simply nod. I can give Walter that. I really want to. Walter’s lips stretch into a smile so large, I wonder if he’s going to run out of room on his face.
He hugs me, whispering, “Thank you, Haley.”
“Thank you, too.”
Dad never called.
I haven’t reached out to him either. I don’t know if I want to, so I’ve done nothing. The air is getting colder with each day, which is a pain in my butt. We’ve had a lot of homework this week and except during school, I haven’t seen Keelan much. I have way too much time on my hands. Reading and homework is all I’ve done this week.
Sighing, I roll over and grab my phone. It’s 11:30 on Thursday night and I can’t sleep. Keelan might still be awake.
Me: Awake?
Keelan: Yep. Playing a video game with Cam. What’s up?
My thumbs hover over the keyboard. Things have been really good with Keelan, especially the kissing, which sounds really nice right now. Would he come get me and sneak me into his house for a little while? He didn’t have practice today, so he might not be too tired.
Me: Can’t sleep. Don’t you want to see me?
Keelan: I always want to see you.
My body automatically heats up. Before I can ask him, he sends another text.
Keelan: It’s too cold and windy for the water tower tonight. Want to come here instead?
Me: Yes.
Keelan: All right. Be there in a minute.
I clamber off my bed to first lock the door to my bedroom, and then quickly pull my shirt off and shimmy out of my shorts. No way am I going over there in my pajamas. Or, at least, not those. Instead, a pair of sweatpants and my hoodie will do. I debate over a bra or a sports bra. Bra would make me look better, but sports bra would be more comfy.
Sports bra.
I’m already going for comfort with everything else.