“So, is everything okay now?”
“They will be. Mom talked to Natalie and I got the impression it went well. Hey, Keira might come spend the night next weekend. You wanna come stay, too?” He tilts his head back toward the window. “If they work things out, I’m going to ask Jess.”
I smile. “Aw, look at you, trying
to spend more time with your sister.”
He chuckles and shakes his head at me. “Is that a yes?”
“I have one condition.”
“Let me guess. You want a race?”
My lips spread into a grin. “Yes.”
“Deal. Do you think your mom will let you stay?”
“If you parents are there and so are other girls, once I tell her about sleeping arrangements, I think so.” I pause. “What are the sleeping arrangements, by the way?”
“Mom will probably put all y’all in either mine or Cameron’s room. Why? Were you hoping for a sleepover with me?”
I roll my eyes, but before I can speak, Jess’s window opens. We both turn to look at Cameron.
“We’re good. Y’all can go. Thanks.”
We can hear Jess’s sniffles behind him. Something tells me that not everything is good.
“Okay,” Keelan begins. “Make sure you’re back before six, or you’ll get caught.” He interlocks his fingers with mine and leads me to his car. Part of me wants to protest, but I really don’t have a reason to. “What are you doing tomorrow?” he asks once we’re on the road.
“Spending the day with my dad.” I stifle a yawn, my sleepiness hitting me all at once. “You never sneak into my window,” I mumble. Why does it matter? I know that Cam and Jess do things when he sneaks over and I don’t want to do anything with Keelan yet.
Keelan laughs. “Do you want me to?”
“Maybe.” Yes, no, I don’t know.
“It’d be easier to sneak you into my house, you know. On the off chance someone drives by your house, don’t you think it would be suspicious if my car was parked at the end of your driveway?”
“Oh, good point.”
Keelan drives right past my house. I start to wonder what I’ve gotten myself into when he parks in his driveway. I don’t speak up or change my mind because I’m excited. This will sort of be like when we fell asleep in the hammock, but this time, it’ll be in a bed. Nothing to be nervous about. We quietly close our doors and Keelan smiles before he opens the door to the house with a finger pressed over his lips.
He pulls out his cell phone and uses it as our light. The house is deathly quiet aside from some noise coming from upstairs. I match his movements, avoiding one of the steps on the staircase and then tiptoeing to his room. The noise I heard is clearer and I realize his parents must sleep with the TV on. The moment we step into his room, he turns and locks the door. I slip off my shoes and crawl into his bed. It’s not like I have clothes to change into like he does.
I face away, so I don’t have to watch. So I can make sure I don’t watch. While peeking is tempting, getting caught doing so is not. My eyes squeeze closed while I hear him shuffling around. A minute later, the bed dips and I roll over. Am I thankful he put on a t-shirt or not? Keelan lifts his arm for me to scoot closer. A silky material brushing my legs as I turn onto my side and snuggle against him makes me think he’s put some gym shorts on.
“Happy?” he whispers. “I’ve snuck you into someone’s bedroom.”
“My alarm is set to get you home before anyone wakes up. Better get some sleep because it’s not too far from now.”
My eyes easily close and soon, I’m asleep.
Keelan woke me up at five this morning to take me home. I promptly fell back asleep until eleven. Then, I rushed to get ready for a day with my dad. First, we’re going out for lunch and then to play tennis together, just like old times. Mom still seems wary whenever Dad is mentioned and I can’t blame her. I’m the same, but I’ve been trying to ignore it. At least, Walter is his usual calm, optimistic self.
My stomach is in knots though because Dad is coming here to pick me up. He insisted. I bolt off the couch when I hear the knocking on the front door. Walter chuckles, and it oddly helps with my nerves. I swing the door open. Relief tumbles through me because he showed. I’m still worried he won’t keep his word, but he did.
“Hey, Dad. Ready? I just have to grab my racquet from my room.” I knew I was forgetting something. Maybe that’s why Walter chuckled because he knew it, too.