The warning bell rings.
“Oh, I would’ve missed you.” He surprises me when he quickly kisses me on the lips. “We need to get to class.”
School is boring as usual. Mostly. There seems to be a hushed conversation about what almost happened last night. For fewer people having been there, the news sure has traveled fast. At lunch, Keelan tells me Finn apologized. He’s still angry, and he shrugged off his apology. I can’t say I blame him. What we’re doing isn’t exactly safe to start with. The last thing anyone needs is for someone to be stupid about it.
Other than that, the day is uneventful. Keelan and the football players get to leave a few minutes early for their away game. Jess hurries home to prepare for tomorrow. I’m not sure what she is doing to prepare and honestly, I am afraid to ask, so I don’t.
No one else is home when I get there. Keelan will be hanging out with Natalie and Keira this weekend. He’s pushing forward even though he feels nervous and unsure about it. Mom thinks I should give Dad one more chance, if it’s what I want. I do. Desperately. Dad used to coach me in tennis. He would play with me. Every so often, he would bring home a gift for me. When I needed help with homework, he was there. When I wanted to talk about something, he would listen. I just want my dad back, and I’m terrified that it’ll be impossible after everything that’s happened.
With a deep breath, I call him. Time seems to slow with each long ring, each longer pause, and still no answer. I’m convinced I’ll have to leave a voicemail when he does pick up finally.
“Haley, hey. How are you? I’m so glad you called.”
“I’m well. I’ve been thinking about what you said, and I really want things to be back to normal.”
“Me too. I’m so sorry, Haley. I really truly am, and I’m so happy you’re going to let me fix it. You’ll love Tonya and Carly. They’re excited about meeting you and—”
“Dad,” I interrupt. “I don’t want to m
eet them.” When he doesn’t automatically tell me it’s okay, I begin to worry. He’s going to abandon me all over again. “I’m not ready for that yet,” I hurriedly add to salvage this.
“Okay,” he finally says. “I understand.” Somehow, I don’t think he does. “I’d really love to see you play a game. When is your next one? I’ll try to get off work to come watch.”
“Monday at four o’clock.”
“I think I can do that. I need to go, but I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay.” I won’t be holding my breath because I don’t want to get my hopes up.
“Thank you for this, Haley. I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad.”
“There’s been a change of plans,” Mom says when I crawl out of bed and amble into the kitchen around ten Saturday morning.
I frown. “What are you talking about? We don’t have plans. I’m supposed to go with Natalie and Keira today.”
“They are coming here for dinner instead.”
“What are you talking about, Mom?” The plan was for Natalie and Keira to meet me in the next town over where there are more places to eat. Natalie wanted me to meet my aunt, but I told her I wasn’t ready for that.
“You’re still going to meet them, but you’ll come back here for dinner. She called me while you were sleeping to ask if it was okay. She wants to see how you live.” Mom places a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me.
“Then why am I meeting them? What if I don’t want her in my house?” I ask around the food I’m shoveling in my mouth. I’m starved. Last night’s game was tough, but we won. I was worn out by the time I got home, so I went straight to bed instead of eating the snack I planned on devouring.
“You’re going to the mall; and Keelan, it is our house and I told her she could come. She just wants to see you’re well taken care of. She might want to see what your room looks like. There’s nothing wrong or intrusive about that.” Mom takes a seat next to me.
Maybe not to her, but I would’ve thought I should have a say on who gets to see my room. “Why do you want her around me so much?” I blurt out without thinking. “Shouldn’t a part of you want to keep her away from me because I’m your kid? Shouldn’t you be more hesitant or something?”
Mom shakes her head. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because you are my son. It’s because of her and her poor choices that I ended up with two sons instead of just one. If she’s living a better life and would like to know you, I think you both deserve the chance. Either way, you’re still my son. You need to stop forgetting that and worrying she will take you from us.”
“It’s not me who is forgetting,” I mumble, certain that Natalie is secretly planning a way to get me to come back to her, even though I have no reason to think so. My gut is sure of it, and that’s all I have to go on right now. Then what she says hits me. “Wait a minute. I’m going shopping with them?” I groan. Great. Just how I wanted to spend my Saturday.
Mom laughs. “I’m sorry, Keelan. Keira has a dance coming up at school apparently.”