He doesn’t get a chance to reply before we hear Mom’s voice.
“Oh, if it isn’t two of my favorite people.” She kisses Walter and then takes the empty seat next to me. She frowns when she sees Walter’s plate.
“I was starving,” he answers before she can ask.
The waitress comes by and Mom orders a burger as well. She goes on and on about her cart rage at the grocery store, how little kids were running rampant, and how she is tempted never to go grocery shopping on a Saturday again. Her trip was worth it though because before the disaster trip, she found a cute new blouse that was “absolutely perfect.” Conversation isn’t so bad, but I worry about not being about to go to Seth’s party when she brings up her plans for us.
“Haley, I was thinkin
g we could go into town for dinner tomorrow.” There’s a hopeful look on her face, as if she’s slightly worried I’ll throw a tantrum and refuse to go.
“I was invited to a birthday party, and I’d really like to go to that.”
“Whose party?”
“His name is Seth. A lot of my friends will be there,” I add. “It’s at his house, so his parents will be there too.” Having his parents in attendance has to give me some leeway. There’s no reason for her to say no, except she wants this dinner.
“Okay. We’ll just do lunch then,” she replies decisively.
I’m not sure if I was hoping to get out of it or not, but it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.
“What are you doing today?” she adds.
“Keelan,” Walter sings his name, “is teaching her how to drive a stick shift.”
Again, I groan. “Stop it, Walter. I told you we’re just friends.”
He laughs and Mom seems perplexed by our behavior. I’m kind of perplexed myself. Walter has surprised me. He seems pretty easy to get along with, like a generally nice guy. I definitely feel like he’s in my corner because he keeps pointing out how he’s here for me. My obvious next step is to get my relationship with Mom back to normal.
It’s hard though.
We were never really that close. I was closer to Dad than her. Mom was always the one who would discipline me while Dad would sometimes try to get me out of her punishment. Mom always had to know every little detail when I left the house, which is why I’m surprised she hasn’t asked a bazillion questions about Seth’s party. Maybe Walter is making her more laid back somehow. Either way, it felt like Mom was always the parent. Dad was my best friend.
“I think he’s cute,” Mom says, bringing me back to the conversation.
“Keelan?” She nods. “Oh, yeah. He’s cute,” I agree, although cute seems inadequate.
“What’s his family like?” And there’s the start of her questions.
Instead of getting annoyed, I take a deep breath and start talking about my new favorite subject: Keelan and his family.
I knock on the front door of Haley’s house, hoping she answers instead of her mom or stepdad. But of course, her stepdad answers. His lips are set in a flat line, his eyes are narrowed, and for a moment, I wonder what I did already.
“Um, is Haley here, sir?” I ask when he doesn’t speak.
Mr. Walter cracks a grin. “Had you worried for a moment there, didn’t I?”
I laugh and nod.
“Good. I’m testing out my ability to be stern. Come on in. I think Haley is still getting ready.” He steps aside so I can walk in. “What made you decide to teach her a stick?” he asks.
I follow him into the living room where Mrs. Rita is sitting in a recliner and take a seat on the couch while Walter sits in the other recliner. I can’t tell them the real reason—it came up when I was racing—so I lie. “She really likes my car, but she doesn’t know how to drive it. I offered to teach her.”
“Where are y’all going?” Mrs. Rita asks, her steely eyes focused intently on me.
“Where my dad taught me. He owns a piece of land, not too far from here. It’ll be the perfect place.” It’s secluded, has no traffic, and plenty of space for her to learn.
“How long do you think y’all will be gone?”