“I was three when she was born,” I answer.
Jess and Haley briefly talk about how it’s nice we’re kind of close in age before we reach her car. I open the door for Hales and hear Cam finally speak to Jess from the other side.
“Are you sure you need this stupid girls’ night?” Usually, after a loss, Cameron sneaks over to Jess’s house, crawls in her window, and hangs out with her. He’s obviously not happy he won’t be able to have her to himself while he throws a pity party. Because that’s exactly what he does. First, he’s pissed. Then he feels sorry for himself. Lastly, he gets over it and is ready to win games by the following morning.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Jess sounds annoyed, so I’d bet this isn’t the first time he’s asked.
“Keelan?” I drag my attention to Haley. God, she’s hot, especially when her clothes are soaked. I love the rain. It should rain all the time. “Let me know what time for tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, I will. Have fun.”
She grins and rolls her eyes as if she and Jess won’t actually have fun before getting into the car. Cam grumbles as we close their doors. It’s pouring now, so Cam and I are quick to make it to our vehicles. My stomach twists and turns with dread on the short trip home.
Mom and Dad haven’t even taken a shower or changed their clothes yet, which doesn’t make me feel any better. They’re obviously waiting for me from their seats at the kitchen table. I wordlessly have a seat while Cameron escapes upstairs.
“Now,” Dad surprises me by speaking first. “Did you know she was coming?” I nod, my eyes jumping back and forth between them. “We don’t mind if she comes to your games, son, but a little heads up would’ve been nice.”
I nod in agreement.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Mom asks, and I inwardly cringe at the touch of hurt in her voice. “All we asked was for you to keep us updated. This would have counted as an update.”
“I was hoping she wouldn’t show,” I answer quietly. “I didn’t know she was bringing Keira.”
I shift in my seat as they both analyze me for what feels like forever.
“Do you want to get to know her, Keelan? Because you don’t sound like you do. I know you’re at least curious about your sister.” All I do is shrug, and I know it irritates her because Mom can’t stand a shrug as an answer, but she doesn’t show it. “If you’re going to give her a chance, you need to actually give her a chance. Not this using homework as an excuse not to meet her, or not telling us she’s coming to your game because you’re hoping she won’t come. Keelan, honey, she wants to know you. She’s not going to disappear if you’re agreeing to see her.”
“I did have homework to do,” I point out.
“And if I recall, it took you thirty minutes to finish it,” Dad replies with the same tone. “We know you don’t like the idea of her coming into your life, but your mom is right. If you’re going to give her a chance, you need to do so fairly. We can promise you that no matter what happens, we’re your family and we aren’t going anywhere. Neither are you.”
Dad lets that hang in the air and I realize that’s what scares me the most. “Promise?” I ask. “She can’t somehow make me go live with her? She can’t get me back?”
“No,” Mom answers firmly.
I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Is that what you’ve been worried about, son?” Dad asks.
I nod. “She got Keira back. She doesn’t refer to you as my parents, and I don’t think she likes when I do.”
“That’s her problem,” Mom tells me. “Keelan, she never gave up her rights to Keira. Keira legally stayed hers while your aunt raised her. I promise; you have nothing to worry about.”
With Mom confirming it, I feel better. A lot better. Maybe my nerves about getting to know Natalie and Keira will lessen now.
“Have you ever had sex?”
My eyes widen, my hand full of popcorn freezes midway to my mouth, and I stop breathing for a minute as I stare at Jess. We’re sitting on her bed, munching on a big bowl of popcorn, and listening to music. So far, our conversation has been easy going while she constantly texts Cameron.
She laughs. “I’ll take that as a no. Me either, but that will change soon.” She pops another piece of popcorn into her mouth.
“You and Cameron haven’t done it yet?” I ask before finally eating some of the popcorn in my hand. Then, what she says hits me. “What do you mean; it’s going to change soon?”
Jess finishes yet another text to Cameron, and then leans forward for a conspiratorial whisper. “My parents are out of town next week
end, and Cam is coming over.” She wags her eyebrows. “It’ll be the first time for us both.”
“Wow. Are you nervous?”